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Side note: shy!reader because I wanna, also slight angst


Chuuya remembered he had said that he would find a suicidal, beautiful woman for the bandage idiot, Dazai but what he did not expect was that instead of finding such girl he found an extremely shy girl who have been part of the Port Mafia for five years. And he wondered how could an extremely shy girl lasted 5 years in the Port Mafia.

To add more of it she's an executive. Jesus fucking Christ.

It had only been 10 minutes and he had already forgotten her name. He grumbled in annoyance, walking through the hallways of the Port Mafia building. That was when he walked past Kouyou, almost.

"Ah, Chuuya." She greeted with a soft smile. She seemed to be with another girl who seemed to be an executive as well, although it's hard to tell because she's lowering her head, which also made it hard to identify her. "Ane-san." In return, the orange haired male nodded his head in awknoledgement.

Kouyou nudged the (h/c) colored girl forward, and she 'eep'ed quietly, still not looking at Chuuya. The man rose an eyebrow, "I'm sure you don't know her. She's quite the shy girl so it's no surprise that not much know her." She stated, patting the girl's head, causing herto blush.

Gently, the girl pushed Kouyou's hand away, "Ane-san, I'm not a kid..." She muttered.

"Of course you aren't, dear. But I have to say that your head is so fun to pat." She chuckled.

"What's her name?" Chuuya asked, feeling left out. The girl lifted her head enough for the man to look at her face. 'Wtf how can a cute girl like that be in the port mafia.' Was what Chuuya looked like right now. "M-my name is (f/n)(l/n)... A pleasure." She whispered.

It took Chuuya a good five minutes to understand what she was saying, "Ah, (f/n) huh? I'm Chuuya, Nakahara Chuuya." He took off his hat and placed it on his chest, bowing slightly. (F/n) smiled, narrowing her gaze away and slipped behind Kouyou, making Chuuya rose an eyebrow in confusion. Kouyou laughed lightly, "Ah you're really shy despite your age, (f/n)."

Chuuya smiled slightly, "I don't bite allies, you know. Unless they somehow posses a threat to me." He put his hat back on, gesturing for the girl to stop hiding behind Kouyou. She made three steps to the left, and then walked forward two steps, standing side by side with Kouyou.

She played with her fingers, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.." Kouyou smiled, then patted the girl's head ever so gently.

"Don't sweat it, I'm not offended."


"That's how we met, huh.." Chuuya muttered, staring at the (h/c) girl laying on the bed, gently caressing her hair. "Y'know..." He sighed, then pulled his hand back, scratching the back of his head. He became silent after that, then stared at the girl, (f/n).

Remeniscing the first time they met was honestly pleasing. Though, he surely wished that what has happened to her just a few weeks ago, happened to him instead. The girl shouldn't have gotten injured just because of his stubborn move. He gritted his teeth, clearly regretting his move during the incident.

Soon enough, he heard the door opened then closed after someone took a few steps into the room. Next, he heard a familiar cough, "Akutagawa." He narrowed his eyes to the left, nodding slightly to tell the man that he had awknowledge his presence.

"How long are you going to blame yourself?"

Chuuya chuckled lowly, "Honestly, I'm not quite sure." He stopped for a moment, "Perhaps when she wakes up." He could hear a small huff from the other male.

Truth to be told, Chuuya wasn't the type to let that small huff brush past him, but he was just not in the mood to make even the smallest type of argument. Honestly, he just wanted to see the person he cared so much wake up, hell he'd trade his life with hers.

"In my opinion, she'll wake up in approximately 30 minutes." Akutagawa muttered underneath his breath, but he meant for Chuuya to hear him. "Hopefully."

Chuuya himself hoped that (f/n) would wake up faster than the dark haired's predictions. Akutagawa leaned back against the wall beside the door, watching as his ally's aqua orbs stared at the girl laying on the bed. "Just because you stare at her, even for 24/7, does not mean she will wake up."

Chuuya snorted in annoyance, "Stop saying things I know."


As thirty minutes passed, Chuuya had fallen asleep, leaning against the chair, with his head slightly ducked, and his arms folded. Strange thing was, Akutagawa had not left the room.

"Nng.." A soft groan was heard, and the man lifted his gaze up to the girl, who was slowly sitting up, massaging her head lightly in dizziness. Soft steps echoed, as Akutagawa was finally beside the sleeping ginger haired, "You're finally awake." He said as he nudged Chuuya on the head using his elbow, immediately making the man wake up.

(E/c) orbs darted to the source of voice, "Ah... Akuta..gawa.. And-" her eyes continued to look at the sleeping form of Chuuya. "Chuuya.." Gaze softening, she could see how Chuuya was fixing his hat and hair, then coughed lightly.

Arms still folded, the ginger haired took a deep breath, "How are you feeling?"

"Besides this headache, I'm fine." She smiled slightly, and a sigh of relief was heard from him. Akutagawa nodded, "The quicker you get better, the quicker most of us would stop worrying. You're one of the executives, you're important."

His words might not sound that pleasant to hear, but (f/n) knew that it meant more than that. After all, everyone has their own way of showing that they care. Chuckling, the girl nodded, "Of course! I wouldn't want any of you to worry about my condition. As an executive I have to recover quick, after all."

Ruffling her head not-so-gently-yet-not-harshly, and gaining a bright colored blush on the girl's cheeks, Akutagawa then proceed to turn around and left the room, leaving the ginger head and the girl. Chuuya fidgeted slightly, "Uh- it's nice to see that you've finally wake up."

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Chuuya." She smiled apologetically.

"N-not at all." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, which was rare, "You're my friend after all." Well that seemed to be a wrong choice of word, 'friend' was, for (f/n) looked slightly disappointed, but that expression immediately change into a bright smile. "Of course, Chuuya."

There no more words exchanged between the two, they even avoided eye contact. Surely if either Mori or Dazai (if Dazai was still in the Mafia-of course) was in the room the whole time, the two would just push the two and force them to confess. (f/n) rubbed her arm up and down slowly, while Chuuya was holding his hat with his two hands, staring at it as if it was the most interesting in the world.

"Actually, Chuuya..."


If he was not going to make the first move, then, she didn't have any other choice. "I-I... Uh-" Confessing's a hard thing to do, especially if you're extremely shy.

Without waiting for any words from the girl, Chuuya lifted himself of the chair, and bowed, enough for him to stare straight into the girl's eyes, before pressing a quick kiss upon the (h/c) colored girl, catching her off guard.

As if it never happened, Chuuya sat back down, this time he was smirking in satisfaction, for the girl's face was completely red out of embarrassment, and she was having a hard time to calm herself down. "W-wha-" She couldn't even talk without stuttering.

"You're so cute, that's one of the reasons I love you~"


Hopefully I did not ruin Chuuya nor Akutagawa

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