Kunikida Doppo

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A/n: Mr. Ideal is here. He's here to give you tons of advices according to his ideal book. And kuudere!reader because reader deserved to be cool

Fimbulwinter is a book by E. William Brown


"Fimbulwinter." She muttered quietly and a swirling wind of snow and ice was formed in front of her. She lifted an arm up, waving it, causing the medium sized snow tornado to charged straight into the Port Mafia's low graded members, throwing them backwards.

Kunikida grumbled slightly, "If this keeps up we're getting far behind schedule."

The girl slipped her hands into each of her loose, large sleeves, "And why is that you main concern, Doppo?" Her cold, (e/c) orbs stared into sandy yellow ones. In return, the man huffed and fixed the position of his glasses. "If we get behind schedule then everything in this book is ruined." He lifted his ideal book.

"That book does not concern me, besides, if you keep talking, things will get even more behind schedule. I believe you do not wish for that." She then continued walking after deactivating her ability. The idealist followed her, mumbling something about how his ideal is really important or something like that.

A few minutes of walking, they came across a certain Port Mafia executive. His black hair with white on each tips of the sides of his bangs. Those light coughs. His gunmetal eyes. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.

Shoving his hand back into his pocket, The executive glared at the two. "Rashomon!" He roared before Kunikida could say a word to his partner. Akutagawa's Rashomon bolted up, then down towards the two.

"Fimbulwinter." Unlike earlier, the snow now created a force field which blocked off the attack of the beast. "To think that some Mafia executive could harm a detective that easily. Such pride you have, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke."

A small smirk graced upon his face, "For a detective to talk in such manner to a Mafia executive, such pride you must have, (F/n) (L/n)." He mimicked her words, mocking her, which made no effect on her. "Rashomon, sawarabi!" He roared once more.

The Rashomon shot up fro, the ground below (F/n), nearly impaling her if she had not jumped and activated her ability once more to block the attack that was supposed to impale her. Then she landed gracefully just about 20 cm beside the Rashomon. "How many countless, shameful defeat have you gone through, just to get a praise from your traitor?" Her voice was soft, yet mocking at the same time.

"That is none of your business!" Akutagawa clenched his jaw, "Rashomon, Agito!" He roared again. This time the beast took a quite large form, ready to swallow the living hell out of the Detective. With a simple hand wave, her ability, Fimbulwinter, shot up a great amount of snow, slamming against Rashomon's side.

"Such pity, you could've try to gain praise to an actual Executive instead." She mused.

"Oi, (F/n), how long do you plan on messing with him? We're way behind schedule now!" Kunikida complained, crossing his arms on his chest. The girl turned around, "Be patient, Dopp-" She was suddenly cut as Rashomon bit her stomach as it launched at a great speed, slamming her against the wall.

"(F/n)!" Kunkida yelled out, running over to her, only to have a hand shoved in front of him, "Don't. I'm fine." It turns out that a certain amount layers of snow have cover her, protecting her from slamming directly into a wall. Although the wound on her stomach and back was something else.

She stood up, "Keep your arrogance and that's what happens to you." Akutagawa mocked, earning a snort.

She brushed her hair back, "You piss me off. Fimbulwinter, snow dragon." Her gaze darkened slightly, and the head of a snow dragon appeared beside her, before launching forward with its mouth opened wide.

Akutagawa's Rashomon launched forward also, causing both Fimbulwinter and Rashomon to crash against each other, then dissolved into the air. "Technically speaking, I can't afford spending too much time messing with you. I have to end this."

"That's my line." The Mafia executive glared, "Rashomon, Gokumon Agito!" A great amount of Rashomon Agito shot up from Akutagawa's back before launching forward. But instead going for (F/n), they aimed for Kunikida.

The blonde's eyes widened in surprise as he found himself unable to dodge, "Fimbulwinter, Snow shield!" Layers of snow formed in front of Kunikida, blocking the attacks coming from Gokumon Agito.

As Kunikida opened his eyes, he found himself protected by the layers of snow, and once they disappeared, he saw Akutagawa lying on the cold hard ground, and the girl who had saved him glaring daggers at him.

"O-Oi (F/n)."

"I only saved you because it'd be troublesome if Yosano were to treat your injuri-" she coughed slightly, clutching her injured stomach. Kunikida hurriedly approached her worriedly. "Don't push yourself. Let's go back to the Agency instead."

The girl mumbled something like 'but you're ideal list-', catching the blonde's attention. "What is it?"

"Nothing." She quickly blurted out, turning her face away. "Let's go back, idiot." She pulled his hand a little bit harshly, before walking in a hurried manner, making their way back to the agency.


"Look, (F/n)-"

"Do not thank me."

"I figured you'd say that." Kunikida massaged his temples before sighing. What he was going to ask her was something he had kept to himself for quite the long time. Besides the fact that he had tried to keep it in to look for the right time (which never came), he kept checking his ideal book to see whether she actually fit his ideal woman or not.

To say the least, he had to change some things in his ideal woman so that it'd match her perfectly. He took a deep breath, before staring into her (e/c) orbs, then unconsciously took her hands in his, making the girl confused. "Doppo, what is it?"

His gaze softened slightly, "I have been keeping this to myself, but-" He paused, taking another deep breath, "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He asked rather hurriedly, but she was able to catch his words.

Eyes closed, a thin smile formed upon her lips. She held his hands back, then leaned up slightly to give a peck upon his cheek, "Pick me up, 6 pm, tonight." She stated simply, before letting his hands go after a few minutes of holding hands literally in front of everyone, much to their dismay.

"Don't be late."

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