Mark Twain

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A/n: I can't update often because I'm in the middle of a catastrophe so-
TW: not exactly trigger warning but, Nathaniel's in here and there are mentions of God and stuffs.


"Hey, Mark." Lucy called out, huffing as she did so. The man in front of her was way too carefree for his own good, sometimes she wondered if she could actually keep up with his carefreeness.

The man turned around and grinned, "Yep?" He answered, his tone seemed light, like he had no burdens at all, "Need something, Lucy?" It took a few moments for Mark to realize, and Lucy had been giving the 'Get-a-grip-you-dense-piece-of-garbage'. Nonetheless The Red haired looked annoyed, like a lot.

Sighing heavily and muttering something underneath her breath, she replied, "Do you really need me to spell it out. Fine, here, 'Do you remember what day is it today, idiot?' There." Technically she didn't mean to sound that sarcastic, but she wouldn't be apologizing later on.

"Oh, that- her birthday!" Mark chuckled slightly, scratching the back of his head before gaining his usual composure. "I'll take her out for diner, I guess." He said, giving a thumb up at Lucy, who groaned in return.

"That's so cliché. Make her feel special, you dumbass, she's your girlfriend!" She pointed out, something that should had been obvious to any boy who's girlfriend is having her birthday. Unfortunately Mark's way to dense to realize that. But worry not for the red haired girl would knock him out of his dense state for (f/n)'s sake. Not that she'd say it out loud.

Rising an eyebrow, Mark gave a confused look, "Like what?" He asked rather innocently, "Throw a small birthday party at her house? Pretend to forget her birthday?" Lucy had to resist from facepalming right in front of the orange haired man.

She patted Mark's shoulder, "Mark." She called out, gaining the other's attention, "You literally forgot her birthday 3 minutes ago. If you pretend to forget then you might actually forget again, I am not going to take that risk, therefore, I have an idea."

"Sounds interesting, tell me more."


"Hey, Pastor?" A voice called out, gaining the priest's attention, who grunted. (E/c) orbs bored into Nathaniel's figure, making his eyebrows twitch in annoyance. "Stop staring at me like that, because of you I can not listen to God's voice. He's talking about something important." Said the pale, dusty blue haired male.

A chuckle vibrated from her throat, "That's always what you say. Every time people stare at you, that's what you say." She replied, dancing across the room, "Tell me, Pastor Nathaniel, do you think what you're doing, is a message, from God? Did He tell you to join the Guild?"

"What are you plotting, (F/n)?"

"Oh, I'm just curious. It's not everyday that I found a hella religious person."

Nathaniel seemed to cringe, "Do not use 'hella' when you're talking to me, sinner." (F/n) laughed loudly, she had to spend a few minutes to calm herself down. "Two," The pastor continued, "It is a mission from God. I am to pass judgements to heavy sinners."

"Another question! Does God remember all of His servants' birthday?"

"Only those who serves Him faithfully with no complaints gets their birthdays remembered, in some cases, something even better happens to the more faithful servants. Of course, only those who are worthy and loyal in the eyes of God." Nathaniel closed his eyes, then smiled thinly.

The (h/c) colored girl smiled, "Do you remember my birthday, Pastor Nathaniel?"

"Of course, only I decided to wish you a happy birthday a little later. After he does."


"Pray tell, has Mark wished you a happy birthday?"

"No." The girl replied, disappointed. "Personally, I think he doesn't remember."

He rose an eyebrow at this, then snorted in disbelief, "Seriously? He forgot? Your boyfriend?" He asked all three questions in a row. Technically, those weren't concrete questions, he was just confirming that what he had listened was true. As a reply, he received a sad, slow nod.

"Does the God hates me, that He made Mark forgot?"

"I am not sure, although all I can say is He has a plan for you and Mark ahead. You should look forward to it." He closed the Bible gently, placing it on his lap, then lifted his gaze up to the girl, "He said it's something good."

(F/n) smiled softly, "Thank you, Pastor."

A soft knock sounded from the other side of the door, "Come in." The man called out, and the door knob was twisted open, and the finally the door opened, revealing none other than Mark Twain. The girl narrowed her eyes at Nathaniel, mouthing, 'What the fuck' to him, in which he obviously ignored.

"Sorry for interrupting, (F/n), darling, come with me, please." Mark offered a hand to you, and you grinned, walking towards him giddily, and took his hand. "Certainly." The two left after closing the door, leaving a small clicking sound, before everything went silent once again.

Nathaniel smiled a thin smile, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13 : 4-7." He quoted quietly.


"Where are we going, Mark?" The girl asked, tilting her head.

"Trust me, you'll love the place I'm bringing you to." He grinned confidently, earning a small chuckle, "I am positive of that." They held hands as the walked through the streets, chattering and laughing together along the way.

"Y'know that one time Lovecraft slipped and fell because of banana skin, and then his head head got tilted upwards 180 degrees? That was scary as hell." Mark said, chuckling and shuddering slightly.

"Hey that's not a nice thing to remember!"

"Ah, we're here." Obviously he was not listening to what she was saying, and dragged her along with him. Before them was a sight of a beautiful garden, "Heh, this is a bit cliché." He muttered to himself. They stopped once they were in the middle of the garden,

He gently held both of her hands, and looked at her with his loving eyes, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, you know that?" He moved a hand to gently caress her cheek, earning a small blush.

Not knowing what to do, she averted her gaze away, "Look at me, love." Mark said, lifting her chin with his index finger, then pressed a small, loving kiss upon her lips, in which she returned just as loving as he was kissing her. They pulled away and stared at each other for awhile, before Mark took out a small box, and gave it to her.

"Open it." He said.

Slowly opening the box, she peaked inside of it. There, it sat a lovely golden sakura shaped hair clip, "I know it's not much- but, I figured you'd like it." Mark scratched the back of his head nervously.

The girl chuckled lightly, "Like? Mark, I love it." She took the hair clip, and placed it on the side of her bangs, "Ah, as I expected, it fits you better than it fits me." He grinned cheekily.

"Mark please."

"Happy birthday, (F/n)."

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