Mori Ougai

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A soft hum escaped his lips, his two fingers trailed down her cheek to her chin, crimson eyes stared at (e/c) ones. One hand around her waist, pulling her closer. "Ah.. Beautiful." He spoke softly, giving a soft peck upon her pale, thin lips, eliciting a chuckle from her.

Both of her hands were on his cheeks, caressing gently with her thumb. "I love you, Mori. Remember that." She whispered, kissing his forehead so effortlessly gently. Her hands now circled around his neck, finger tips playing with his black locks.

"My dear," He cooed softly, his fingers playing with her locks, "I always know that you love only me." His smile was kind, but she knew it held a lot of meaning behind it.

Nodding her head a couple of times, she leaned down to press a soft kiss upon his nose, causing him to pout rather childishly despite his age. "Not my lips?" He asked, his arms wrapping around her waist a bit tightly, causing a small chuckle to escape her lips.

Tilting her head to the side slowly, she smiles a smile full of meaning, her eyelids closing half-way. "Do you want me to kiss your lips, my dear?"

One of his hands trailed up her back to the back of her neck, suddenly pulling her closer and smashing their lips together. His eyes fluttered close as he hungrily and a bit roughly kissed her. His tongue trailed softly upon her lower lips, and she opened her mouth as a response.

He wasted no time in sliding his tongue into her mouth and exploring every corner mouth, leaving no place unexplored. His tongue danced with hers for awhile before he pulled back, breaking the kiss and opening his eyes, only to see that her cheeks were dusted with pink hues.

"So beautiful, only for my eyes to see." He grinned, cupping her cheek with one hand and caressing it with the tip of his thumb. "Remember that always, my dear; such expressions of yours, are only for me to see." He whispered, giving a small peck on her lips.

"Of course, Mori."


Eh, making this one short because I wanna try it out. I don't want you guys to get bored by long weird plotless(?) stories in which I make rather slowly as I am a slow writer.

So please give me your opinion, do you like the reader insert I write to be short or long? Why?

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