Francis Scott Key Fitzegerald

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"I love you."

"I'm sorry could you repeat that word?" Francis's smile was obvious as he went through the newspaper he was reading.

Biting her lips and gripping the hem of her dress unintentionally too tightly, (F/n) grumbled underneath her breath and sighed deeply. "I—"

"No, no, my dear." Closing the newspaper, the blond stood up and framed the girl's face using one hand only, gripping her jaw and making her (e/c) orbs look straight at his blue ones. "I don't want it in English."

'bUT YOU'RE AMERICAN' The girl screeched internally. It was rather ridiculous. This had been going for 3 hours already. How many times did Francis want her to repeat those embarrassing three words.

"Try saying it in German instead. I'd like to see you struggle with the pronunciation." A mischievous smile danced upon his face, making the girl's face redder and redder than it already was. "Oh, and French, too."

'YOU SHOULD DIE.' Again she screamed internally, cursing and swearing for Francis to die. Of course she did not mean it. "I-Ich—" She paused, already embarrassed.

"Oh come one, Ich liebe dich. It is not hard, sugar."

"So you think."

"So I think, indeed."

This man. She swore to Hawthorne's beloved God, should die. Die and make way for others. She was obviously, heavily contaminated by a certain Mafia's 'quote'. No, she was not the fan of Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. Please, she didn't even know him. "Try again." His words rudely interrupted her train of thoughts.

"Really." She sighed and said rather quickly, "Ichliebedich."



"No, my dear, no." Francis cooed sweetly. "Come on, let's try again."

"How long does this have to go on."

"Until you say it in German and French correctly."

She groaned. "I'll give you a kiss and a hug as much as you want after that, darling. Come one." He sat back down and pulled her to sit on his lap, in which she had no choice but did so.

"Fine. But you better keep your words." She shot him a small glare, earning a chuckle. "Ich liebe dich."

"Oh, wow, I'm surprised you managed to pronounce it correctly!" Eyes widening slightly, one hand of his reached up to one of her cheeks, caressing it gently. "Now, French."

'Oh God.'

"Je— what was it—"

"Je t'aime, my dear." It sounded like a fucking confession it left her a blushing mess. "Oh, Inwas just telling you the word my dear. Did you really want me to say it to you tonight, hm?" He whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"I-i-if you— don't mind—"

"Not at all. Just say it to me now and I'll whisper it into your ear as I push you on the bed and d—"

"Okay! Okay! I get it!"

"Well then?"

"J-Je t'aime—"

"Good girl~" Almost immediately, both of his hands cupped the girl's face and pulled her into a rather rough kiss. His teeth tugged on her lower lip, tongue soon travelling into her cavern and leaving little to no space unexplored. Tongues danced in sync, her small hands gripped on his shoulders before the kiss was broken.

"My, you're as sweet as always. I'm afraid I can't hold back until tonight."

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