Dazai Osamu

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A/n: I have been wanting to do this for awhile now. Singer!reader adjwkskd
Also I referenced from MikitoP's song, sarishinohara. That song is just beautiful


Yokohama night time scenery was pleasant. It was just worth walking around for awhile even though your feet hurts so much after walking for the whole day. Dazai felt the same too. He loved walking around the streets of Yokohama during crowded nights. It felt rather comforting, especially when he's with her.

He stopped walking when he saw a huge banner in front of him, presenting the face of the famous singer, (F/n) (L/n). She was just beautiful, and her voice was that of an angel. She was his. Although the world did not know that, and they never will.

Brown eyes softened at the sight, Dazai sighed, then turned away, walking towards the other side. Perhaps it's good to watch the sky, in a place where it's not crowded, where the street light didn't cover the stars that shone in the galaxy that night. He remembered the times where he spent time with her, watching the brightest star that shone in the galaxy.

He knew that being a singer costed a lot. Not only you'd receive fans, there are just those who disliked you somehow. And Dazai knew how painful it was to here such cruel words. To get wrong rumors about you spread amongst the crowds. He could sometimes hear those rumors being talked about by a couple of girls.

He didn't want you to pay attention to those words. No matter how painful those rumors sound, he wanted you to ignore them. He wanted you to focus on what you do now. He wanted to hear you sing, even though it was often not for him, he didn't mind.

Looking up to the skies above, he saw millions of stars decorating the dark sky, he smiled at the sight, he sat down on the grass. "Oi, Dazai." A voice called out, and he hummed in reply. "Yeah, Kunikida-kun?"

Kunikida fixed the position of his glasses, huffing, "How long do you intend on doing this every night?"

"Just a little longer, to make sure it's still there."

"What is?"

"The way people follow crowds." Dazai turned his head around to face the other man, grinning, "It can't be helped, after all. It's be nice if they just go on their own way but if so then the world would be unbalanced." He added.

Not able to understand, Kunikida sighed, "Seriously.."

Dazai laid down on the grass, hands placed behind his head. He wanted to see her, face to face. He wanted to see your 60 trillion cells that'd multiplied with all her pleasant feelings. At least, he wanted to make sure she's doing okay.

"Kunikida-kun, you can just go on your own, I'll catch up later." He said, and Kunikida left without any words. Dazai was grateful, at least he had a friend that knew at least a few things about him.

Although he wondered if she's feeling lonely, being in the world where she barely knew anyone. He wondered has she been feeling so lonely, so much that she'd just go and give up, and end up her life. He covered his eyes with the back of his hand, chuckling lightly. Perhaps his dream would come true if so, but he wouldn't be happy.

He'd die with you, side by side.

But even so, even if she were to do such things, even if she were to feel such deep loneliness, he still loved her the same. He loved her very much, even though being away from her hurts a lot.

Whatever future awaits her, whatever future she has to face, he'd still love her. He'd go through them together with her. Even though she's not really by his side, it's okay. Everything is fine, as long as he has her in his heart, and the same goes to her.

He didn't mind if she had a past to hide, and he will never mind. Everyone has a secret to hide even from their beloved ones. He's okay with it. He hid somethings from you too so, it's only fair. Although he had planned on telling her soon. If he ever got the chance to talk to her again, perhaps, he'd tell her.

Dazai was known to be strong, unaffected by words that were thrown at him. There were little things that could get him to break down. Dazai Osamu was part of the Port Mafia, which built his current self, but he's a little bit different now than he was then. He smiled more than when he was still in the Port Mafia. It was all because of her.

Every concerts that was done in the town, if it involves her, he'd always be there. Not only there, he's always there with every step that she took. He's always there, to make sure that she's okay.

And in every concert, he'll stay in the front row where he'd wave at her bright smile. That bright smile that he loved so much, that bright smile that always light up cities from all over the world. He loved it, so much.

He saw her at the concert, wearing adorable cat ears that fits her so much. And the frilly apron with the dress as adorable as the cat ears, his breath was taken away by the sight. Everything about her just make butterflies danced in his stomach, feeling him up with pleasant feelings. Gaze softening, a sigh escaped his lips as a smile made its way onto his face.

Even though he tried to pull her away from there, even though he tried so much to deliver his love to her. With every might that he tried to show that his love never faded. That his love for her stayed, that his heart is hers.

Though he placed kisses upon her through TV screen that he stared at, how desperate he was at trying to deliver all of his love to her. He knew that they will never see eye to eye again.

At last, he finally got to see her again, at the concert, once more. With sunflowers hugged tightly in his arms, he gazed at her lovingly as tome went faster and faster, tearing her away from his grasp.

He wanted to feel.

He wanted to touch her.

He wanted to be able to caress her (h/c) colored hair, hug her, whisper how much he loved her. He wanted (F/n) to know that he still loved her the same he did long time ago.

Even just once, he wanted to have her hand hold his, and it would be alright. He wanted to have her hand in his to tell her that he's always there for her, for the (F/n) (L/n) he loved so much. No matter how small some part of him is to her, he wanted her to know.

And though he knew that she had done so many mistakes. And though that he knew about all the wrongs that she had done. He still loved her. No matter what, he'd still love her with all his heart. So much that he would never mind if they bring him to his end.

For he would always be there for her, always.

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