Fukuzawa Yukichi

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A/n: Have I ever told you, how much I love Fukuzawa? I mean, okay he's like 45 but he's hot for his age, man. Enough of angst, time for something romantic. Trying to use present tense here, might be messed up, LOL. Also I'm still grasping on Fukuzawa's personality-


This world, a place full of hopes and despairs.

This world, so cruel yet so kind.

This world, a place where everything was put in place, where fate plays its role. Where God have made everything according to his plan. Everything sometimes goes according to what humans want, and most of the times, it doesn't go that well.

Fortunately God is fair. He treats every living beings the same. For they are equal in His eyes. And it is a beautiful morning in Yokohama. Just a bit past 5 am, but the smell of a delicious meal being cooked is really tempting, although Fukuzawa wishes he could sleep, just a little bit longer.

Soft footsteps can be heard entering the bedroom. A woman sits down on the tatami floors, her right hand gently brushing over the silver haired man's hair, making him stir a bit. "Good morning, darling, it's time to wake up." Her voice is soft and gentle, it suits a woman like her.

Fukuzawa grumbles quietly, before opening his eyes and gently taking the hand that belongs to her wife, (F/n). He sits up, and as usual, places a kiss upon her forehead, "Good morning." He mutters, pressing his forehead on hers gently, again, closing his eyes.

Chuckling, his wife caresses his cheek gently, "Come on now, you're the president of the Armed Detective Agency, it would be embarrassing if you're late." She warns, slowly standing up, "Breakfast's will he ready in a bit, go take a shower, I'll be in the kitchen, alright?"

With a couple of nods, (F/n) leaves the room, leaving the still sleepy man in their bedroom. Yawning, Fukuzawa stands up. He walks into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth. And then heads towards the kitchen, finding his wife in front of the stove, stirring the soup.

He wraps his arms around her waist, head resting on her head, "Miso?" He asks, earning a nod from her. He watches as her wife was still busy with the cooking. "Darling, can you let go for awhile, please? The soup's ready." He complies by releasing the hug.

She pours the miso soup into two bowls, then serves it on the table. The smoke lifting up from the soups indicates that the soups are still warm. She sits down, soon followed by her husband.

"Thank you." Fukuzawa murmurs, pressing a soft kiss upon the side of her head, making her chuckle lightly.

(F/n) smiles, then nods gently, "Of course, anything for you, my dear." She pats her husband's cheek gently.

The breakfast goes smoothly, for around half an hour in the dining room. Then Fukuzawa prepares himself to go to the Agency.

"Take care, alright?" She caresses his back gently, earning a grunt from him.


A small sigh escapes his lips as he massages his temples with his fingers, eyes rummaging through the files. He mutters something underneath his breath, something like, 'If (F/n) is here, I'm sure as hell I am not going to be tired.'

Bless the Gods.

Knocking against the door, Kunikida coughs a few times, "Excuse me, President." After hearing a sound of approval from the President, he opens the door and walks inside. "She's... here, President. Your wife is here."

Fukuzawa rises an eyebrow at his statement. He isn't expecting that. Heck, perhaps he never have thought that she would come to the agency for literally no reason. That's going to be a change of things. And besides, having her beside him would be great.

"Well, let her in then." Kunikida nods, then steps aside, letting the President's wife walk in. The woman thanks the blonde with a gentle smile before approaching her husband. She directly goes behind him, her palms pressing against his shoulders. His eyes closes in response, already enjoying (F/n)'s touches.

Her hands massages his tensed shoulders, making them relax. "I figured that since the work in the Agency is piling up you must need a small massage to relax yourself." She muses, pressing her lips against his cheek.

A small smile makes its way onto Fukuzawa's face, "You know me the best." Relaxing into his wife's touches, he allows himself to stop working for awhile and just enjoy the moment.

(F/n) smiles at the sight before her, it surely makes her calm to know that Fukuzawa isn't really hard headed this time. It's going to be quite troublesome if he is. "Next time I can bring you some lunch, if you want." She muses, smiling.

"You're spoiling me like I'm a child, but I sure don't mind."

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