Oda Sakunosuke

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A/n: gotta admit Oda's one of my favorites. He's so precious and he needs more love. He didn't deserve to die actually- aLSO ANGST and dark! Oda. just an additional note, Oda's still an assassin here.


"Oda..?" A soft voice called out, gaining the man's attention, who in reply, smiled softly as he combed his fingers through her beautiful hair. "Yes?" He replied with such caring tone, it made her blush a little.

Oda Sakunosuke was a gentleman, very careful when he treated his beloved one. He took care of her very well, making her felt that she was the luckiest girl ever to have a boyfriend as sweet as him. "Tell me," She leaned back to his chest, and in return he wrapped both of his arms around her stomach.

Head rested on hers, Oda closed his eyes, "Tell you, what, my dear?"

(F/n) smiled, "How can you be so gentle with me? I mean, you treated me as if I break easily. Not that I mind, though." She shifted slightly, making herself comfortable in his arms.

"You know the answer very well, (F/n)." Oda murmured sweetly, kissing her cheek. "It's because I love you." He said those words rather easily, and it never failed to make her blush or chuckled lightly in embarrassment. Oda grinned when he noticed how his lover hid her face in her hands.

"There is no need to be embarrassed, it's normal right?"

"I s-suppose so.. But, hey.."


"I love you too." She muttered quietly, averting her gaze away somewhere else. He softly guided her body to turn around and face him. Proceeding to cup her cheeks, Oda stared lovingly at (F/n), before leaning down and pressing a soft, gentle kiss upon her lips, which she returned as soft.

A little secret though, she didn't and doesn't know that her lover is hiding something from her. He was so good at it that no one would actually notice if he was hiding something, unless it was Dazai. That man's an ass and he always manage to read through him. It was quite troublesome, but he knew that Dazai knew when to shut up. And he was grateful for it.


Footsteps splashed against the puddles along the dark alleys. The heavy scent of smoke gathered around as he proceed walking along. The sound of a gun cocking echoed softly. Heavy breaths produced soft smokes from his nostrils.

Oda lifted his arm up, and aimed for the man trembling on his feet. "Sorry, but if you stir up too much trouble 'round here, I can't let you off the hook." He spoke lowly, mostly muttering to himself rather than to said man. With ease, his index finger moved into the trigger box, gently pressing against the trigger. With a small huff, he pulled the trigger.

"Ah... You're here again, Odasaku~" a voice cooed behind him, and he knew well who it was. The man approached him and patted his shoulder, smiling darkly as he did, "Another one?" He asked, peering from the red head's shoulder and looking at the dead man on the ground.

Earning a nod as a reply, Dazai chuckled, "As always, you're overprotective of her, she means a lot to you, heh?" He commented again and Oda stared at the dead man, then to his suicidal friend.

Dropping the cigarette, he pressed his foot on it. "She does." He answered shortly, before stashing his gun back to its place. "Man, Odasaku.. You can soon be an executive if this continues. Although Mori-san would like it more if you kill the Mafia's target." Dazai mused, lifting his hand from his friend's shoulder, then shoved it into his pocket.

"Mm, that can be arranged." He turned around and began walking away, without saying anything, Dazai had already known where the man was going. The usual pub they go to.

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