Edgar Allan Poe

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A/n: this is going to be my last fic on this book, maybe I'll open up another reader insert on another fandom like maybe HypMic but there will be no guarantee, if I'm up for it, I'll do it. Also, gender neutral reader so I will be using they/them pronouns


Ever since the fall of the Guild, Edgar Allan Poe has been in contact with two agency members; one being the renowned genius detective Edogawa Ranpo and the other being [F/n] [L/n], someone who is a good and close friend of Ranpo. 

He hasn't been able to contact the remaining Guild members, God knows what has happened to them in all honesty and Poe just doesn't quite care that much anymore. He was there solely to defeat Ranpo anyway.

Although he's wandering around today, spending the morning at the market, maybe he should buy food for Karl as well, there should be some fruits or nuts in the market, of course, he can buy some with the money he currently has right now.

"Oh, isn't it Poe-san?" a familiar voice cuts through his thoughts and he nearly falls over for no clear reason, but manages to only flinch and turn his head towards the source of the voice, finding the figure of Ranpo's friend, [F/n]. 

Nervously, Poe wraps his arms around his own frame as he gazes at the other, "[F/n]-san..." his voice is quiet, but it's a greeting, still properly heard by them, so there's not a problem there. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm out to get sweets for Ranpo-san, he's ran out of them," they laugh lightly, shrugging their shoulder before lifting up the shopping bag filled with sweets. "What about you?" they ask, curiously tilting their head at Poe.

"I'm looking for food for Karl," his shoulders relaxes, and he uses a hand to rub under Karl's mouth, smiling softly at his pet, oblivious to the gentle and soft gaze of the agency member. "I should go to the fruit section, though, the nuts here can't really be eaten by Karl..." he mutters.

"I can accompany you, if you'd like! Ranpo-san has also told me to come and get you after I buy his sweets and snacks." They offer. 

At first, Poe seems to be hesitant, and he immediately turns to Karl and ask what his dearest racoon thinks. Of course, Poe is adorable like that. [F/n] patiently waits for an answer with a smile on their face, looking rather fondly at Poe who seems to be very comfortable having a conversation with Karl.

Finally, after a few minutes, Poe turns to the other, gulping, "What does Ranpo-san need from me?"

"Oh, it's probably a case, he'll tell the details in the Agency."



At the Agency, Ranpo is spinning around his chair, humming a tune to a song no one really knows, it's probably not even a song that existed and is just a random tune. No one particularly cares, Dazai is out as usual, Kunikida with him. There's only Yukiko and Atsushi (aside from Ranpo) in the office. Both seems to be occupied with their work.

"Ranpo-san!" [F/n] sing songs as they waltz over to Ranpo's desk, happily placing the groceries down there. "I've bought and brought everything you asked me to buy and bring!" 

"Good! Good!" the detective spins around his chair like an overgrown child and shoves his hand into the shopping bag to look for the sweets that he wants to eat first. "I have something I want to ask from the both of you." 

Poe tenses up visibly, but it goes ignored by Ranpo. He fidgets, fingers pressed against his book as he shifts around, unable to calm himself down because what if Ranpo will finally acknowledge him?!  Obviously that won't happen, but a man can dream. "What.. is it, Ranpo-san?"

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