Akutagawa Ryuunosuke

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A/n: hello mr. I got no eyebrows is next! I've been wanting to do his part for awhile now, hope you enjoy! Stockholm Syndrome included.


"Rashomon!" He roared fiercely, his Rashomon shooting up and went straight through its prey. Blood splattered across the wall and floor, then a small coughing fit sounded from Akutagawa.

Next to the dead body, sat a girl, trembling in fear. Her eyes were widened in fear, some of the dead man's bloods got splattered upon her face, hair, and hands. Her hands grasped her hair tightly, (e/c) orbs refusing to look up to the man who had attacked and killed her brother.

His eyes, having the darkest color, like the sky at night, when there's no light stared straight towards the figure, "Get up. You are to come with me to the Port Mafia. Create any forms of resistance and Rashomon will bite off your leg." He barked harshly to her.

Shivering, she slowly stood up, head ducked down. Akutagawa turned around and began walking, the girl following him quietly, trying to bite back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Higuchi, who was watching the whole time, only walked beside the girl. From time to time she would glance at her, to make sure that she's not harmed. Her hand reached up and patted (F/n)'s head gently, as if trying to calm her down. It didn't really work well but the girl calmed down a little.

Although she tried her best, the tears finally fell. She was shedding so much tears, although there weren't any sobs coming out. Her eyes were wide, dripping with countless, droplets of tears. She was shaking quite badly too.

To add more of it, Akutagawa didn't care.

His motto was cruel, heartless. All he cared about was getting stronger and receiving the praise he felt he so much deserved, from the figure he looked up so much, even after his betrayal, Dazai Osamu.

Yawning, the jet black haired male covered his mouth using his right hand, while the other stuffed inside his pockets. A long walk had passed, and they had arrived in front of the Port Mafia's base.

"Higuchi." Akutagawa called out.

"Yes, Akutagawa senpai?"

"I'll take her from here."

"Of course." Not wanting to argue, Higuchi left while glancing at the girl for awhile, before finally going out of sight. The Port Mafia executive turned to the trembling girl. "Follow me." It was an order, and she knew that.

She nodded, "...Yes." She muttered quietly, much to Akutagawa's surprise. The two walked towards the top of the base.

A soft knock sounded through the door, "Come in." Came the voice of the Port Mafia's boss, the one and only, Mori Ougai. Akutagawa opened the door, his back soon leaning against it so that Mori could take a good look of what he had brought back to the base. "Ah, Akutagawa-kun and... (F/n) (L/n), I suppose?" A smug smirk danced across Mori's face.

The girl nodded quietly, soon lifting her gaze up slowly, her now dull (e/c) orbs stared straight to Mori's red ones. "Do come in, both of you." He smiled widely, head resting on the back of his hands.

Akutagawa's hand was placed on the girl's back, and he pushed her in as he walked. The door behind them was closed. "You've done quite the job, Akutagawa-kun. I'm very pleased to see that you've brought her."

"This is the dangerous ability user that has been disrupting the peace around our territory?" The executive asked, earning a nod.

"Yes. Her ability is [The End Of Eternity]*. It might not sound deadly, but her ability allows her to manipulate time. I believe it only activates if she could manage her calm composure. Right now, I am certain she is unable to use the ability. Which benefits us." Mori explained.

As a powerful leader of a powerful organization, of course he had large ranged knowledge about those around him. Whether those information he got cleanly or not, it didn't matter.

"And I shall recruit her." His smile darkened slightly, "It'd be a waste if she were to be recruited into the Agency instead, what do you think, (F/n)-kun?"

The girl closed her eyes, then smiled, "Why not?"

Surely nor Akutagawa nor Mori expected her to accept the invitation with a smile. But the Boss laughed lightly, "Wonderful, wonderful. Then Akutagawa-kun surely will help you out as you adjusted to your new lifestyle." He beamed, though those words had their own meaning, (F/n) didn't even question it.


"You are... The girl that was abducted by the mafia!" Atsushi cried out when he finally realized the person he bumped into was the one abducted by Port Mafia. The girl in return gave a confused look, before smiling, "What do you mean, abducted? I don't remember getting abducted, but Akutagawa-san rescued me."

Kunikida, who was about to yell at Atsushi stopped when he heard the girl's words. "Rescued? By Akutagawa? Akutagawa Ryuunosuke?" Her smile turned slightly sadistic. And she nodded at the questions.

She moved her bangs from her eyes, grinning, "The End of Eternity." She said slowly, soon, the world seemed to have x-ray colors, and everything stopped. She chuckled, then grabbed a knife from the pocket on her right thigh, before critically injuring the two Detectives.

Then time continued, both Kunikida and Atsushi fell straight to the ground. "Good." She heard a voice, and instantly blushed. Akutagawa pulled her a little harshly by her waist, then pecked her lips, before leaving the scene, together with her lover.

Her head leaned against Akutagawa's shoulder, a smile present upon her lips as the people walking on the streets hurriedly get into the nearest store they could find.

The two then reported to the Boss, and he was beyond delighted. Everything went extremely smoothly that he was slightly overwhelmed by the fact that the girl they literally abducted was more than willing to kill and serve for the Port Mafia.

Then, the girl stopped walking right after they stepped out of Mori's office. Confused, Akutagawa glanced down at her. The (h/c) headed girl lifted her gaze up to face her lover then leaned up, giving a soft kiss upon his lips.

"I love you, Akutagawa-san."

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