Dazai Osamu

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A small chuckle slipped past Dazai as his hand was stretched upwards, holding a certain someone's phone. He kept running around the ADA office with a girl chasing him around and whining.

(F/n) groaned and kept running around chasing the bandage wasting device in hopes that he would return her phone. "Osamu give it back, dammit! I need to continue my work— Ah- don't go through the conversations!"

As much as Kunikida was thankful that someone else was watching over Dazai he couldn't help but twitch a few times when they got louder and accidentally (re: purposely) broke his pen in half and whipped his head towards the childish duo in irritation.

"If you both have time to bicker with each other then why don't you do your work?!" He barked harshly, only to get ignored—as usual—by both Dazai and (Y/n).

The brown orbs belonged to Dazai sparkled with interest and he grinned devilishly, "Oho?~ What's this~" He sang, scrolling through a chatroom before stating out loud what was in it, "What am I suppose to do? I can't just confess to him like that! Besides, being in the same organization as him means tons of awkwardness if he were to reject me!" His voice mimicked the (h/c) girl's voice.

"That. Is. It." (Y/n) hissed, pouncing at the brunet, causing both of them to fall backward, and she managed to retrive her beloved phone from the hands of the bandage wasting bully.

She felt a harsh tug at the back of her collar and she was pulled off the brunet by none other than Kunikida. The blond was pretty furious and obviously she knew better than to snap at him, unlike a certain bandage wasting device.

"Oh come one Kunikida-kun!~ I wanna know who (F/n)-chan is falling head over heels for!" He whined, only to get his forehead flicked by Kunikida, who then returned the girl's phone.

"Please continue your work."


A soft groan slipped past (F/n)'s lips as she slammed her head onto the desk. Dazai peered into her laptop, "Oh, what's going on with it?" He asked, now staring at her.

"It's lagging." She muttered, "I can't stand slow things like this! Kunikida, can you help me fix my lagging computer later on?" Her head turned to the man who was buried deep in his Ideal notebook.

Said man, narrowed his eyes at her, then closed his book before putting in his breast pocket (so that Dazai won't lay a damn finger on it), then moved closer to (F/n) as Dazai finally went back to his desk. "Well, it's not that it's lagging—" Kunikida sweatdropped, "I think it's more like the internet connection is slow so it's buffering. Do you not know the difference?"

She pouted, crossed her arms on her chest, "I'm not good with things like this, okay? I should just write on paper—"

"And have your fingers crushed because of the ampunt of work, I wouldn't do that."

"But it's so much simpler!"

"Remember how your writing gets messed up when your hands are tired?"

Groaning in defeat, she closed her eyes and sighed, "Fine. But you better help me understand next time."

Kunikida smiled rather softly, much to the other's surprise, then nodded his head. Her (e/c) orbs stared at the blond for a good 3 minutes in disbelieve before Dazai butted in because he is not jealous.

"Nee, Nee, (F/n)-chan." He cooed, hugging her by the shoulder. "Why don't we go for a dinner together tonight, it's on me, of course!~"

'Why is Dazai like this?' Her eyes narrowed at Kunikida, who quickly went back to work as if nothing happened.

"Well then, I take it as a yes." He grinned.


"Dazai!" She called out, running after her friend who said that he was going to take her for dinner. "Wait up! Why are we running?!" She whined. To be honeat, she wasn't really the type who could run fast, it's most likely because she usually use her ability instead of her physical strength.

And apparently Dazai lied when he said he was going to take her for a dinner.

"(F/n)-chaaan~ we're almost there!" He glanced back, smiling widely. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her with him to the place he had wanted to show her.

Her eyes widened in surprised, "What... Is this place?" Apparently, it was the season where tons of fireflies gathered in one spot. Unconsciously, her hand tugged at Dazai's sleeve, then she stepped closer to him.

The brunet's gaze soften as he saw (F/n)'s eyes sparkled, reflecting the lights shone by the fireflies, and her mouth slightlt opened and how he could notice the shade of red upon her cheeks, thanks to the fireflies. He smiled softly, then moved his arm to hug her by her shoulder.

"Hey." He called out softly.

"What is it?"

"I love you."


A/n: If you don't get the story then I shall explain! So the reader and dazai are actually dating but the rest of the ADA doesn't know except for Rampo if I were to put him in the story. Anyways! The two kept the relationship hidden, backstreet y'all! And reader acted normal as though nothing was going on between her and Dazai. The start of the fic shows as though the reader has a crush on someone and was talking to their friend, in which it was supposed to turn out to be her chat with Dazai, if Dazai read the actual conversation instead of making things up!

That's more or less it, I'm sorry for not updating but I'm finally free now!

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