Edogawa Ranpo

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A/n: I need to dig myself out of angst so here's a fluff. Clumsy!Reader


Another wonderful day in the agency. Atsushi and Kenji had just left for a mission regarding a gang of weird people or something like that. Yosano and Kunikida left too, for another mission especially given by the President, Fukuzawa Yukichi. Those who were left are, Dazai, Tanizaki, Naomi, Ranpo and his assistant, (F/n).

A chuckle vibrated against the man's throat as he watched his clumsy assistant trip on her own foot and nearly fell if Dazai had not accidentally caught her and lifted her up, then proceeded walking. The girl sighed as she picked up all the stuffs she had dropped when she tripped earlier, organizing them carefully.

"R-Ranpo-san I am so sorry you had to see me fall like that." She apologized hurriedly, placing the papers on Ranpo's table. The detective shook his head, "Don't sweat it, (F/n)!" He beamed with a childish grin drawn across his face.

Cheeks slightly reddened, she tried to gain her usual composure, "Anyways- this file is a new case for you to solve, it was sent just a few minutes ago." She said, watching as the emerald eyed man read the cover of the file.

"Right, let's go!"

She had been trying for quite awhile now to understand the way Ranpo solve things, but every time she watched him read the cover of anything she got even more confused, rather than managing to understand him. But she did know one thing, Ranpo's a great man, and she liked him for it. "Aye captain!" She responded childishly, right hand placed on her head, saluting.

The guys in the Agency called them the childish duo, as they seemed to be very childish despite their age. Although it was certainly a pleasant scene to watch, a scene that brightened everyday up.

To be honest, Ranpo had stated over a hundred times that he didn't need an assistant, but once Fukuzawa said that she would only be helping him by bringing him his files and things like that, he had agreed right after the President's words left his mouth.

"Take care on the way, Ranpo-san, (F/n)-san, don't get lost, alright?" Tanizaki smiled as he looked up from the papers on his desk.

"With (F/n), there's no way we're gonna get lost!" Ranpo linked his arm with his assistant's, causing her to stumble slightly, her being the clumsy person she is. She stuttered out something like, "O-of course! I'm Ranpo-san's assistant, after all!" Earning a sly smirk from Naomi, who of course, said nothing as The detective would just whine.


At the crime scene, all Ranpo did is put his glasses on and yelled, 'Ultra deduction!' Super enthusiastically before examining everything in less than 60 seconds. (F/n) stared in admiration as her boss did his job easily.

"The victim's wounds' aren't that old, it's approximately one day old. She died from a hit caused by blunt object, and the object is a sledgehammer, scary." Ranpo grinned his trademark Cheshire grin, "The wounds on her chest were just tricks to fool amateur detectives like you."

"I've been detective for te-" Said detective complained, only to get cut off by Ranpo's assistant, "I advice that you do not talk back to him." She smiled softly.

Fixing the glasses, Ranpo continued, "I found many other things too, like where to find the evidence, who the culprit is, and how to interrogate him so he'll confess." He placed both hands on his hips, a proud smile danced across his face.

"Amuse me."

"The culprit is you." Ranpo said bluntly, pointing at said detective. "I am sure that you offer yourself to take care of the case so that you'll be able to get away with it, despite the fact that you have an assistant, like me." He waved his hand lightly.

After a bit of a pause, he continued, "You've figured out how to get away with it. Unfortunately for you, you district had sent a file of the case to the Armed Detective Agency, allowing me to reveal the truth!"

"Where's your evidence?" He tried not to stutter.

"I bet you've thrown it away to the city's dump. Where they have trash destroyer and stuff. As for the stab wounds which were used to fool us, or in this case, me, it's just the work of an ordinary kitchen knife you could find anywhere." He shrugged both of his shoulder.

"So how about we check you knife set so we can determine whether you are the killer or not." Ranpo smirked, bending down a bit and staring at the man with a mocking look.

The culprit certainly began to looked cornered, and the emerald eyed man continued once more, "As for the reason you killed her, it's just because she cheated on you, or in this case, it's because you think she cheated on you." Ranpo sighed, standing up straight once more.

"And the victim's last words were...." (F/n)'s hands gestured as if she were doing a drum roll.

"It was, 'I forgive you.' Wasn't it? Because she knew that you would get caught soon."


"Man I didn't even need to interrogate him in the interrogation room!"

"Ranpo-san, you were amazing, as usu- whaaa-" Again, said clumsy assistant tripped on her own foot. She waited for her body to collide against the ground by closing her eyes tightly, before realizing that someone had caught her.

It was none other than Ranpo Edogawa, the one whom she admired so very much. As the crimson color reached up onto her cheeks, she kept stuttering, finding herself unable to create any forms of word or a sentence, "I-I-I'm s-so s-s-s-sorry-" She spoke (tried to) between her stutters.

Ranpo chuckled, then helped her stand up, "It's fine. Besides, it's already been my job, hasn't it?" He held her hand, and his eyes fluttered open slowly, revealing his beautiful emerald eyes which she adored so much.

"What has?" (F/n) tilted her head to the side in curiosity, and as she did so, Ranpo lean closer to her, and soon closed the distance between them, their lips pressing against one another in a soft, sweet, and gentle kiss.

The girl's (e/c) orbs fluttered close, and soon enough, she found herself returning the gentle kiss Ranpo was giving her. He pulled back slightly, his eyes staring at hers, and a hand of his caress her cheek lovingly. Smiles were drawn upon their faces as they gaze at each other like no one was watching.

There wasn't any confession, for they didn't need one. Their feelings for each other were obviously shown with how they act around each other, and the whole Agency knew this, they were just waiting for them to get together. "Being your Boss?" Ranpo snickered, totally ruining the moment, earning a laughter from (F/n).

"I love you too, Ranpo-san." She pressed another soft kiss upon his lips.

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