Akutagawa Ryuunosuke

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A/n: Clockwork Angel is written by Cassandra Clare


Two pairs of footsteps sound echoed through the dark alleyways, a small hum of joy vibrates against her throat. The alleyways behind them (the dead end, more precisely), was stained with great amount of blood, and the blood was from their victims, a group of 10 who dared to face the Port Mafia.

"Would you stop it already? It's annoying." Akutagawa, her superior grumbled as he listened to her hums. Noticing that he earned a chuckled, his Rashomon activated and lunged towards the girl, whom ducked just in time.

She narrowed her eyes upwards, towards the Rashomon who had went through her and into the wall, "Akutagawa senpai, that's not something you do to your kouhai." She said monotonously. And after the black beast was pulled back, she stood up and continued walking.

In return, gunmetal eyes glared daggers at (F/n), "Be glad it was me, and it wasn't my late superior."

"Eh, your superior is dead?"

"No. He left Port Mafia and joined the Armed Detective Agency." Akutagawa clenched his fists, obviously annoyed and angered as he remembered how Dazai disappeared for two years and resurfaced as a member of the Armed Detective Agency.

(F/n) closed her eyes, "Dazai Osamu, right?" When she got no reply, she continued, "He was such traitor, Chuuya senpai told me a lot about him, he also mentioned that some of your traits resembles Dazai-san, a bit."

The executive stopped in his tracks and turned to her, "Like... Dazai-san?" There was a tint of pink hues upon his cheeks as he stared at the ground beneath him. (F/n) opened her eyes and was a bit surprised to see his expression, "Why do you look so happy about it?"

In a flash, he gained his usual composure, "I did not look happy about it." He quickly claimed, then continued walking as if nothing happened. The (h/c) headed girl grinned smugly, and followed after her superior giddily.

She knew that Akutagawa still looked up to the suicidal maniac, for he was such a strong executive, and he created many things in the Port Mafia, she also heard that he was the one who put Q sealed away so he didn't cause danger. But still, once a traitor, forever a traitor. She didn't like the fact that Akutagawa kept on trying so hard to just get one single compliment.

A shiver suddenly ran upon her spine and her head snapped up, seeing something beneath the mist charging forward towards them at an insane speed. She quickly ran in front of him, "Clockwork Angel!" Numerous amount of circles with weird patterns in them formed in front of the two, and effectively blocking the attack.

Akutagawa stood there, staring at the girl who had just protected him, much to his dismay. "I did not need your protection, nor will I ever need it." He spatted coldly. After all, Akutagawa was not the type to be in debt of someone. In return, the girl turned around with a smile upon her face.

"You're welc—" Her eyes suddenly went wide as something wrapped themselves around her stomach, pulling her into the thick mist. The executive had reached his hand out to grab hers, only to miss an inch. By seconds, she was already gone.

Launching forward to quickly catch up before he lost track, he chased the thing that had abducted his underling. He stopped in the middle of his tracks as the mist clears up, discovering the mist had also been a work of a gifted. He clicked his tongue.

"What a nuisance."

He literally barked orders to his other underlings to get any traces of any gifted who's capable of controlling mist and tree roots. However, there weren't any gifted with mist typed abilities, but there is one capable of controlling tree roots. John Steinbeck, a Guild member.

Fortunately, a threat letter was sent and there was a location written at the end of the letter, in which he quickly head to.

Upon arrival, he was greeted by the blonde, "Yaaa~ you came," His expression darkened, "Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. Well, Lovecraft may have been defeated, but I'm still here. This girl will surely be a great benefit for me and the Guild." A sneaky grin was drawn upon his face as one of the tree roots lifted up the unconscious girl.

A growl emitted from Akutagawa, "Rashomon!" He roared, and Rashomon shot up, and launched towards the tree roots, destroying them. (F/n) fell onto the ground with a thud, before being pulled over by the black beast to its owner's side.

"Don't think there'll be no price for taking the girl back."

His eyebrow twitched at this, "I do not need to waste more time more than I already have." He lifted the girl up into his arms, before quickly leaving, making sure to use the track where there were no trees present.

Luckily, he managed to arrive back to the base safely, and he handed the girl over to the Port Mafia's medic to check her condition. It was such relief that she had no injuries, internally or externally, though Akutagawa would never admit that out loud, for his pride meant a lot to him. He's strong, after all.

He stepped into the room, eyes staring at the unconscious figure before him. He sat down on the chair beside the bed, watching as she slowly regained her consciousness, which took quite awhile.

"Ugh... Where am I?"

"Port Mafia infirmary."

"A-Akutagawa senpai?" She sat up slowly, then turned her head to him.

"We're even now." He closed his eyes. A small chuckled emitted from her, "Of course, Akutagawa senpai. Thank you for saving me, I hope I did not cause a ruckus while I was abducted." She said, as if nothing happened.

An eye roll was given to her, making her confused, "The Black Lizard was dead worried, make sure you apologize." He stated, staring at her with his arms crossed on his chest.

He coughed a few times, gaining her attention once more. He looked straight into her (e/c) orbs, before standing up and bending down, pressing a kiss upon her lips. He was surprisingly gentle at it, as he was a quite rough man whom she thought had no heart.

As he pulled away, droplets of tears dropped from her eyes, making his eyes widen in surprise, "A-Akutagawa... Senpai—" She wiped her tears using her sleeves, "I... I love you too..." She confessed between her sobs, then pulled the man into a hug, in which was returned by him wrapping his arms around her awkwardly, not used to hug or get hugged in any way.

"I know."

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