John Steinbeck

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A/n: sorry for the slow update, I'm trying to blend in with the enviroment in the new school plus gather my shits together


"Hey, John?"


"How come you never show me your family?"

Pair of curious (e/c) eyes bore into deep yet bright blue ones. John found himself in a daze for awhile hearing the qurstion thrown his way. As his eyes softened, one of his hands reached out to scratch the back of his head, eyes closing and a sigh escaping his parted lips.

"That—" He took a small pause. "I wanted to make sure that I'm fully ready myself to face them once again." His eyes opened slightly, then looking at (F/n), "Especially my sister."

Nodding, the (h/c) haired young woman nuzzled her nose to the side of John's neck, as her arms snaked around him, engulfing him in a warm hug, in which he gladly returned with little to no hesitations. "Alright, John." She murmured against his shoulder. "Take your time, don't rush it."

A smile slowly made its way upon the blond's feature, and he sunk his face into the girl's hair. "Yeah, thanks for understanding."

"Mmhm, there is little to no need of you thanking me." Pulling away slightly, she smiled up at him. "As your fiancée, I am to understand you. Besides, it will not be long until our marriage."



"So tell me, John." Leaning her back against his, she tilted her head to the right, "What's your sister like?"

A small chuckle escaped past his lips. "She's a young, cheerful individual, like you."


"Yeah." He gave off a small nod, "There was one time that she took some food out of my plate, but I didn't complain, I just let her." Shrugging off his shoulders, he turned his head to his fiancée.

As an arm snaked around (F/n)'s shoulder, she snuggled closer to him. "You must be a great brother to her." She commented while pulling her knees up and hugging them.

"Thanks. I'm doing all I can for my family, too, so—"

"I know. Even if the Detectives claimed you to be a bad person, you're not entirely bad at all." She smiled, "Especially, since I guess, you told Tanizaki Junichirou how precious your sister is to you. I think he got the gist of it."

"Ah, now that you think about it." He grinned happily, "I think you're right. Besides, Tanizaki Junichirou has a sister too, right?" Earning a nod, he continued, "Guess he kind of knows how I feel."

"And I do, too. You know that very well." (F/n) smiled and gave his cheek a soft kiss from her lips. "I love you, John. Until death do us apart. Remember that."

"We're not even married yet— but yes. I will remember that." One of his hands gently turned her face to look at him, and he pressed his lips upon her in a soft, gentle, and innocent kiss.

Breaking it off, he gazed at her lovingly. "For I love you too. Until death do us apart."

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