Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Fingers trailed effortlessly along her hair, twisting and twirling beautiful (h/c) locks. Violet orbs stared deep into dull (e/c) ones as a wide, malicious smirk danced across his handsome features.

"Such beautiful being."

His voice barrly above whispers, eyelids half closed as long calloused fingers trailed down from her cheek to chin, then began to twirl her hair and pulling on it harshly.

No reaction was earned, but that is fine. He didn't need such pitiful reaction coming from her. It was unnecessary, not needed in his eyes. He loved her like this. This was fine and he knew that very much.

Not a single move was made by the girl Fyodor named (Y/n). Her lips was parted slightly. Glossy pink lipgloss was quite visible upon those thin pale lips of hers. The Russian man then cupped both of her cheeks, thumb rubbing circles right below her eye.

"Stunning creation."

Inching his face closer to her, his lips soon pressed against her with force, teeth biting the lower part of (Y/n)'s lips, then his tongue gave a long brush along her lips before pulling away. A satisfied, malicious grin painted across his face.

Hands wrapping around her waist, he pulled her into a hug, his head resting on her shoulder. "Mm... I love you so much." He whispered into her ear, despite the fact she could never hear him again.

His hand soothingly rubbed her back as he began singing his favorite Russian lullaby. "Спи, младенец мой прекрасный, Баюшки-баю." His voice was barely above mutters. A soft, small smile upon his lips as his other hand played with her (h/c) locks.

"Тихо смотрит месяц ясный В колыбель твою."

It was almost like he was singin the song to himself rather than to her. The song was kind of creepy, but Fyodor loved it. He loved how the creaking sounds of the rocking chair accompanied his soft singing. "Стану сказывать я сказки, Песенку спою;"
Eyelids closing slowly as his grip on her tightened more than necessary, he kissed the side of her neck after brushing her locks away. He continued, "Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки,"

Goncharov was listening, Pushkin was, too. They both didn't make a single and allowed their master do anything he pleases to the cold corpse belonged to the girl who was originally named (F/n) (L/n).

On the other hand, a grey haired man coughed slightly, obviously kind of uncomfortable, but Goncharov hushed at his way, smiling ever so sweetly, gaze telling Hawthorne to shut up, in which he did.

On the other hand, Fyodor was enjoying this way too much for his own good. They could hear a few soft cracking sounds coming from the pale girl, but gave not even a single fuck. With one last peck upon her lips, Fyodor sang the last line a bit off tune on purpose.



The song is called Bayushka Bayu, a russian lullaby. I've never really listened to it, but it's kind of creepy.
Here's the link:

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