My tears, fall for you.
Every time a tear slips down my cheek, it's another for you.
I wish you were here today.
I don't know why I can't let you go.
I have these small memories,
of all the times you made me smile.
Looking back now,
how can you really be gone?
You should be here,
I'd do anything for one more day.
I would tell you how I felt, feel.
I would hold you close,
I wouldn't let you go.
I wouldn't let you down,
I would save you.
I couldn't,
I wouldn't,
let you die, again.
You were the greatest friend,
the best person I knew.
I love you,
I miss you.
A Moment to Feel
ПоэзияThese poems are all out of emotion. I wrote them while I was feeling that way, or while I was listening to somebody and fueling off of their emotions.Either way, I really hope you like them! Don't hesitate to comment, message me, or vote(: **All wri...