I know I'm nearing my end,
I know I can't hold on anymore.
Everything has come crashing down,
I'm all alone now,
without a hand to hold,
an eye to catch,
or a song to sing.
Tonight I'm crying my last tears,
saying my last prayers,
and taking my last breath.
My final request is this...
You be there.
Carry me far away.
Hold me close like you'll never let go.
Don't wipe away my tears,
don't silence my prayers.
Sing me to sleep,
softly to death.
Upon my last breath,
kiss me goodnight.
Cover me with many flowers.
Try your best to never miss me.
Do what you can to fully forget me.
I am gone now,
there's no need for those tears.
My final request is this...
Just let me go.
Just say goodbye.
Just leave our love in the past.
I am your past, forever gone.
A Moment to Feel
PoetryThese poems are all out of emotion. I wrote them while I was feeling that way, or while I was listening to somebody and fueling off of their emotions.Either way, I really hope you like them! Don't hesitate to comment, message me, or vote(: **All wri...