Part 2

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hi everyone.

I don't have a lot of hw.

so here is part 2.


I turn to Sally. I walk to her and she moves back. Wait! Why am I going to fight her. I can't get kicked out of school. I turn around, grab my bag and walk out of the cafeteria. I went to the only place where nobody can bother me, the library. I went and sat at the last table there. I can never change. Nobody can. I feel tears coming out. I need to show them who I really am. I wipe my tears off. I get up just as the bell rings.

*last period*

I get out of my class and go to my locker. Everyone was talking about what happen happened with me and Sally. I get my books and close my locker. I notice the new kid hanging out with Sally. I knew it will happen. I go out the door and to my mom's car. I drive away.

*at home*

I stay in my room and listen to Pandora. I then here my favorite song. You and I by One Direction. This song made me forget of all my problems. When the song ended there were tears in my eyes. Why can I not find my true love. I decide to finish my homework. When done I hear my mom coming up the stairs. I run to my bed and act like I am sleeping. She comes in. "I wish you were never my daughter. It was your fault your father left me. I hate you." she says. She always said that when she was drunk. She goes into my bag and takes the money I have to buy herself more alcohol. I laid there waiting till she left the house. When I heard the car turn on, I continue to lay there. I end up falling asleep.

*next day*

I look at my clock and see it is already 7:30 am. I decide I do not want to go to school. I grabbed my cellphone and call the school. "Hello this is the attendance center how may we help you?" says the lady.

"Yes, hello. My name is Maria Z. I will not be able to go to school today. I have this bad stomach ache." I tell the lady.

They did not question me but accepted it. I decide to get ready for my big plan. I change into some random cloths I had. I go to my secret drawer that I hid most of my money. I grabbed it and put some in my purse. I grabbed my key and phone and put it into my bag. I walk downstairs and notice my mom was not there. I look for my mom's keys and they are not there either. I guess she never came home. I grabbed my keys to my motorcycle. I go to the garage. It was a beautiful day outside. I take my motorcycle out of the garage. It was a bright yellow color. I put the keys in. I got on and put my helmet on. I turn it on and start my way to the mall.

*20 minutes later*

I get to the mall and go to the first place I can think about. I go to a place where they sell pretty dresses. I see this beautiful yellow one. I feel it calling my name. I go to it and decide to try it on. When I get out and look in the mirror I see how pretty it looks on me. I decide to take it. I pay for it and continue my shopping.

*3 hours later*

I go to my motorcycle and have a ton of bags. I notice the big problem: how will all these bags fit my motorcycle? At this time I had on a new hairstyles since I believe I needed a new look. "Wow, hello there beautiful." says a male voice from behind me.

I turn and notice it is the footballs team captain, Mark. I hated him. He was the one that started bullying me. I turn away from me. I feel someone grab my wrist with to much strength. He turned me to him.It was Mark. "Nobody ignores me! You got that!" he screams at me.

I try to fight back but he is to strong. He leans to me to give me a kiss but then a voice came out of nowhere. "Leave her alone Mark! She dose not like you." says the same voice I heard yesterday from the lunch table. "Sorry there Harry but what did you say. I am pretty sure she is not your girl. Do you know her?" says Mark.

The boy name Harry moves close to us and Mark let's go. He then runs away from us. I look at my wrist and see it is really red. Great now I can not wear that yellow dress. "Excuse me are you alright?" says the boy named Harry.

I nod my head yes to him. "Where is my manners? Hello my name is Harry. Wait a minute. Your that girl that almost beat up Sally." says Harry.

Wait he knows who I am! "Ya that's me. My name is Maria." I tell him.

He smiles. "So I see you need help taking those bags home. Here let me help you." Harry says.

Before I can say no, Harry takes some of my bags and carry them to the car right next to you. He opens it and puts the bags in. "Nice ride you got there. So I follow you and I can leave your bags." Harry says.

I nod and thank him. I get on my motorcycle and put my helmet on. I wait till Harry gets into his car. When I see him ready I drive to my house.

*15 minutes later*

I get home and park my motorcycle on the drive way. I open the garage and see my mom's car still missing. Weird. Harry's car stops in front of my house. I open my house door and go back out to help Harry. When we finish bringing my bags in, we sit on the couch. "If I can ask, why didn't you go to school? I thought you were the type of person who cares about grades." Harry says.

"Well today I did not feel like going. I wanted to also get a new look. Why did you not go to school?" you ask him.

"Well I just wanted to have a free day today." he says.

I hear my door bell ring. Who could that be? I answer the door and see two police officers in front of me. I knew this needed to do with my mom. "Excuse me ma am is your name Maria Z." the male police officer asked.

I nodded my head yes. "We are sorry to say but your mother passed away in a car accident. They say she was drunk that night." the female officer said.

No this can not be happening. Not my mom. Not my only family.

Is it true her mother died.

Hope you like it.

I wanted to end with a mystery ending.

The mystery guys is Harry or is it. :)

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