Part 4

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New part be happy.

Maybe you get to find out who the real Harry is.

*Maria's pov*

I stand up and bump into someone."Maria is that you?" said the voice.

I look up and see the supposedly Harry. "Leave me alone." I tell them both.

I run out of the club. I hear whatever his name is call me. I put my helmet on and drive away.

*Real Harry's pov*

Why did she leave? It is all Marcel's fault. He made me have this bet. I fell in love and lost her. "Harry are you alright." Marcel asks you.

"Do you know where she lives? That girl, Maria." I ask him.

I turn to Marcel and see him nod. "Take me to her house. I won't tell mom about this bet. I just want to see if she is alright." I tell Marcel.

He sighs but stands up. I lead him to my car. I get into the drivers seat. He points the way. We park outside her house.

*Maria's pov*

This is what I get. I park my motorcycle in the drive way and get into my house. I trow my bag on the couch. I go to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water. Before I can drink it the door bell rings. I go to it and open it. There I see the one that said he was the real Harry. This time he had no glasses on and his hair looked different. "Excuse me Maria. I like to apologize to you about what happen. My real name is Harry. The one in the car is Marcel. We were having this bet that I had to act like Marcel till tomorrow. When I saw you I knew I could not lie to you. I never knew Marcel knew you. I am sorry." he tells me.

I guess his name is Harry. Before I can say anything the phone rings. "You can come in Harry. I just need to answer that." I say.

I run to the phone and answer it. "Hello this is Maria."

"Yes Miss.Maria we were wondering if you can come down and identify your mom's body." the lady on the phone said.

I started crying. "You know it is her already! You told me it was her! Why make me see her dead!" I screamed at her.

I fall to the floor with the phone. Harry comes in. He has a worried look. He grabs the house phone and talked to the lady. I stayed on the floor crying. When Harry was done he hanged up the phone. He went down to me. "If you want Maria I could go with you. I know you probably can not trust me but I wish to help." he says.

I look up to him. I stare at his green eyes. I smile and nod to him. He helped me up and led me to his car. I sat in the back seat. Harry sat next to me. Harry whispered something to Marcel. Marcel went to the drivers seat and started the car. I went closer to Harry. I layed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. We get to the police station. We get out and Harry leads me inside. Harry told them everything. They lead us to a room. In the room was a body. They showed us the face. I started crying all over again. It was my mom.

Poor Maria.

She lost her mom but now does she have Harry?

The real one.

Hope you enjoyed it.

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