Part 6

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Left off with Harry and Maria.

Hope you like it.

Sorry if it is short.

*Maria's pov*

I wake to feel hands holding me. I open my eyes and see Harry right in front of me. He is awake. "Sorry if I woke you up." he says.

You smile. "Um Harry you can let go of me now. I think I need to go change." you say.

Harry starts to blush. I let a giggle out. Harry opens his arms out and I get up from the bed. I notice that my shopping bags were still on the floor. I get all the cloths from the bag and organize them. When I was putting the last shirt away I hear Harry "I think you should where that shirt. You will look pretty in it."

I feel my face turning red. I get the shirt along with the rest of my clothes. "If you want there is breakfast downstairs. You can eat what is there. I am going to take a quick shower." I tell him.

He gets up from the bed and walks downstairs. I went to the bathroom and take my bath.

*Harry's pov*

I walk downstairs and look in the fridge. I see the right ingredients to cook Maria some pancakes. I get to work. When I finish I hear the door bell ring. I answer it and it was Marcel. He had a bag with I guess my cloths in it. "Harry I brought you some cloths. I knew you would need them since you probably don't want to wear the clothes from yesterday." says Marcel.

I finally notice that Marcel was back to normal. He had his glasses on and his regular cloths on. I thank him. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Maria. She looked so beautiful in the cloths she was wearing. I see her face turn red.

*Maria's pov*

I go down the stairs and see Marcel and Harry at the door. Harry is looking at me. I feel my face turn red. I go down the finally step. "Hi Marcel." I tell Marcel.

He just smiles and hands Harry a bag. I guess with his cloths in it. "Breakfast is in the kitchen if you want some. I made it myself. Hope you enjoy it." Harry said while walking to the restroom. I go in the kitchen and see breakfast in three plates. I sit down and eat breakfast. Marcel sits across from me. I notice he looks different. He is wearing glasses, his hair has a lot of gel, and he is wearing cloths like the one Harry wore yesterday at the club. With all the cloths, glasses and the gel made him look like a nerd. "Um Maria what are you looking at?" Marcel asks me.

"Well um, I was just seeing that you dressed different today. I guess this is how you dress normally. And no offense but it makes you look like a true nerd." I say to him.

I was scared that he might get mad. I looked down at my food in shame and ate in silent. "It is alright Maria. I know I look like a nerd but I do not mind it. Harry tried to change me once. Even Edward tried to change me too." he said.

Wait who is Edward? "Marcel who is Edward? I ask him.

Before he could answer Harry came in. He sat right next to me. "Edward is another one of our twins. He is a punk like person. He has a lot of tattoos. One day we can introduce you to him." Harry said.

I nod my head yes. I continue to eat my breakfast. When I am done I notice that Harry and Marcel finished already. "So what are we doing today if I can ask." I ask the boys.

Before they can answer Harry's phone rings. "Dam it. It's the boys. Excuse me." Harry said.

When he leaves I ask Marcel "Who is the boys?"

He sits there quietly. He shakes his head no. I guess I will have to wait to find out. Harry comes in with a sad face. "I have to go back with the boys by tomorrow. I told them I will be back by night because I have things to take care of. They said it was alright." Harry told Marcel.

"So Harry who are the boys?" I ask him.

He looks at Marcel for help but Marcel looks away. "Maria I am going to tell you the truth but do not freak out. I am in a boy band." he says.

Well why would I freak out. Wait! Harry. Harry Styles. "You are Harry Styles from One Direction." I tell him.

He nods his head yes. I sat there speechless. In my house is Harry Styles. I could not believe it. I pinched myself and let a little cry of pain. It is true. "The one and only Harry Styles is in my house." I say out loud.

I cover my mouth but Harry heard already. He smiles at me. I feel like I might faint.

So Maria knows that Harry has another twin

That Harry is the one and only Harry Styles.


If you guys can help me. Can you please give me two girls name.

If you are wondering why it is because I plan on making them date Marcel and Edward. :)

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