part 10

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Marcel on the floor bleedinga nd Mark infront of him.

Edward is probably angry.

Poor Marcel.

Now here it starts.

*Maria's pov*

Marcel looks to us. His eyes looked like he was really in pain. "Ah. Here comes slut and big brother. What are you going to do?" Mark says. Edward goes past Mark and picks up Marcel. I went over and helped him. I felt someone grabbed my wrist. They pulled me to them. It was Mark. "So you were that pretty girl that Harry protected. Why are you not wearing one of those new outfits. You would look sexy in them." Mark said when cheacking me out.

I grabbed my other hand and slapped him. He had no right to cheack me out or to beat up Marcel. I saw his face turned angry. He had his grip on me harder. I let a little cry of pain out. I kick at him. He slaps me on the face. The makeup that covered where my dad hit me came off. "I guess lover boy hit you too. What you did not make him happy yesterday. Is that why he is not in school." he said.

Then I feel someone help me up. It is Edward. I look up and see the principal. The principal takes Mark away. "Marcel called a teacher. I planed on beating Mark up but Marcel stopped me. He told me that Harry would have wanted me to beat him up but then who will be there to protect you." Edward said.

I laughed. He leads me to I guess my nurse. We go in. I see Marcel there. He smiles but then let's a little cry of pain. A lady comes in. I guess she is the nurse. "Marcel stop herting yourself. So Edward you brought another one. What is your name?" she said.

"Maria. Are you alright Marcel?" I said.

He nod his head yes. The nurse led me to the restroom. I had to clean the makeup away. She saw and made a look of disapprovel. I look in the mirror and saw the bruise was really bad. "So which of those boys hit you? I could not be Marcel. So is it Harry or Edward?" she asked me.

I looked at her confused. Wait she thinks Harry or Edward hit me. "Mark hit me right now. But before him it was my long lost father." I tell her.

She looked at with shock. "He hit me because I was telling him the truth. He comes to finally see me when my mom is dead. He calls her and me a slut. He expects me to listen to him." I tell her.

I feel the tears come out. She leads me out of the bathroom where the boys are waiting. They notice me crying. They both come to me and comfort me. The nurse gives us a pass back to class. We all seperate our seperate ways. When I get to class everyone looks at me. I just remembered I did not cover where Mark hit me. I go to my seat and sit down and here the gossip start.


By the end of the day everyone knew what happened. I stood outside Edward's car waiting for Marcel and Edward to come. I turn and see Sally walking to me. No not again. "What did you do to my babe you bitch?! Where is he? They kicked him out of school because of you! I bet who really hit you was Harry!" she screamed at me.

I turn to her. "Well your 'babe' is the one who hit me. He first hit Marcel. I was trying to leave with Marcel but then your 'babe' grabs me. I slap him for looking at m. Then your 'babe' hits me. I don't want you or him near me every again. Not even near the boys." I tell her.

I walk away but someone grabbed my hand. They grabbed my hand that hert. I let a scream out. It was Sally. I looked at her with anger. "Let go of me Sally." I tell her.

She let's go but goes to me and slaps me. Then she kicks me. It hert really bad. I fall to my knees. I look to her and feel someone punch me. Then I hears screams. It sounded like Ana and Amanda. I look and see them screaming at her. "Leave her alone or else! You fight with her then you fight with me." Amanda screams at her.

I see Ana hit Sally. "That is what you get for your boyfriend hiting my boyfriend and Maria. And this is for you hitting Maria." Ana says.

Then she punches Sally. They walk towards me and helps me up. They lead me to there car. They open the passenger seat and I sit down. "Are you alright Maria? You seem in a lot of pain." says Ana.

My stomach really herts. My face felt swollen. "It herts a little." I lie to them.

I guess they noticed since Amanda started calling someone. I hear someone answer. "Edward get your ass over here! Maria needs to got to the hospital. Sally beat her up and looks very bad. Okay we will wait." Amanda said.

I felt a little dizzy. The girls were calling my name but I ignored it. I saw Marcel and Edward running. I lay down because my head could not take it no more. I felt like I could not breath. "Maria. Maria stay with us. Maria!" screamed Edward.

I felt darkness taking me away. I could not breath a single bit of air. Last thing I heard was call Harry. I was about to black out but I heard his voice. "Maria. Stay with the boys. Everthing will be okay. I love you. Do this for me please." I heard Harry's voice.

I had to tell him one more thing. "Harry.... I you." I said.

I let the darkness take me.

What just happened to Maria?

Was that Harry's voice she heard?

Will Maria be okay?

Suspenison ending.

Hoped you like it.

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