Part 8

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Maria's father came back.

What could he want?

Will Harry protect her from him?

*Harry's pov*

Who does he think he is? Coming here like that. "Excuse me sir, that is very rude of you to come to a funeral like that. You leave and come back when she already passes away." I tell him.

"Sweetheart tell your mutt to shut up. This is between you and me." he says.

I move forward to protect Maria but she moves me back. "Harry can you leave me and him alone for a couple minutes." she tells him.

I do not want to leave her but I can not make her sad. I go to where the boys are still at. This is a perfect space to watch them. "Harry, who is that guy?" Liam asks me.

"That is her long lost father." I tell him all angry.

He better not try anything on Maria or else.

*Maria's pov*

I wait till Harry is out of hearing to talk to my dad. "Don't call him that. He is more nice then you." I tell him.

"Well I guess you are like your mother a slut. You never cared for your mom." he tells me.

I slap him. "I am no slut you monster. I am a girl that lost her mom and her stupid a-hole dad decides to show up. I loved her more than you!" I scream at him.

I feel the hit of him slapping me. I fall to the ground. I hear Harry call me name. How dare this man that says he is my dad decide to slap me. I feel Harry helping me up. "Are you alright did he hurt you?" he asks.

He turns to my father. "Who the hell you think you are to hit her?" he screams to my father.

"No Harry let's go. Do not want any fighting to happen.." I tell Harry.

He dose a evil look to my father. Harry leads me to his car. I get into Harry's car and he tells something to the boys. He gets into the drivers seat and drives somewhere. "Harry, where are we going?" I ask him.

"To your new home. " he tells me.

He parks infront of a big house. It looked amazing. He get out and helps me out of the passenger seat. We go to the door and Harry rings the door bell. Marcel answers it. "Hey. Maria are you alright? Did someone hit you? Harry what happened?" Marcel asked.

Before I can answer Harry said "Is your girlfriends her?"

Marcel shake his head no. "Go call Edward and tell him it is a emergency. Is mom and dad here?" he asks.

Marcel said no and runs upstairs. Harry leads me to a couch. He tells me to wait there. He leaves to I guess is the kitchen. He comes back with a ice pack. I guess where my dad slapped me is really bad. I put it on my cheeck and feel the pain. The door bell rings. Harry answers it and in comes One Direction. They sit on the couch oppisite of me. Harry sits close to me. I lay my head on his shoulder. I head foorsteps coming from the stairs. I look and see Marcel and Edward. "What is the emergency Harry? Is everything okay?" Edward asks.

"First sit down. Then we can talk." says Harry.

Everyone sits down on the couch oppisite of Harry and I. "Okay. Since everyone is here already. We got bad news. Today Maria saw her father." Harry said.

"What is so bad about that Harry?" Edward said.

"Because he hit Maria. He called her horrible names. Maria show them where he hit you." Harry did.

I showed them. They all gasped. It could not be that bad. I put the ice pack back on. "I would protect Maria but I am going back on tour. I need Marcel and Edward to watch her everyday. Edward I expect you back in school. Marcel I expect you to be back to dressing and being called Marcel. When me and the boys come back I will take care of her. I need you guys to promise to watch her. We can not let anything happen to her. You got that?" Harry said.

"I promise." said both Marcel and Edward.

"Can you guys leave me alone with Maria? I will meet you guys in the car." Harry said to the boys.

All the boys go where they needed to go. Harry and me stayed on the couch. "Maria I want you to stay close to my brothers. Don't leave there side for anything. I want you to come straight home no matter what. Your cloths and things you need are going to be in my room. The guest room is for Marcel. I want you to take care when I am gone. Your motorcycle is in the garadge. I want you to go to school with my brothers and come home with them." Harry says.

I nod my head yes. "I will Harry. I want you to take care at yourself while you are on tour. Don't worry about me. I will be here when you come home." I tell Harry.

"Maria I always wanted to tell you this. I think I am falling in love with you. I want you to be my girlfriend. I know you need time to think so you can answer me when I come back from the tour." he says.

"When are you coming back?" I ask him.

"One of my stops in the tour is going to be here. It is going to be on May 10. I promise that you can come with us that day. I want you to be at that concert." he says.

Wow Harry will be coming back on my birthday. "Harry that is my birthday. It will be the best present if you come back for me." I tell him.

He smiles. He goes to me. I expect him to kiss me on the lips but he kisses my cheak instead. We get up from the couch. I follow him to the door. I give him a hug and kiss on the cheak goodbye. "Goodbye Harry. I will be counting the days for when you to come back to me." I tell him. I wave to the boys bye. When I see there car drive away I feel a tear come out. I already miss him.

Is Maria going to tell Harry yes?

Will Maria's dad come back?

Will Maria survive these days without Harry?

Hope you enjoyed it.

Tell other people to read this.

They will love it.


:)- Lupe.

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