Part 11

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Is Maria Okay?
Do I know? No yes maybe.
I am now going to write what Maria  is going through.

*Maria's pov*

I open my eyes but only see darkness. Where am I? Am I dead? I look down at myself and see me in a white dress is stained red. Is that blood? I look up and see Harry. I run to him and hug him. "Harry! Where are we? What happened?" I say.

"We are in your head Maria. You are dying just like your mom was. I didn't love her. Nobody loved her. Nobody will miss you." says a voice is not Harry.

I look up and see my dad's face. I step away from him but trip over something. I look and see Harry unconsinece body. I go to him. I see blood on him. I see that someone stabbed him. I let a scream out. I look to my dad. He is smiling. He raises his hand and I see a knife. I start to cry. No I can't be dying. Harry can't be dead. It is just a dream. I stand up and close my eyes. I start to calm myself. I hear footsteps come to me. I then feel a stab. I open my eyes to see that my dad stabbed me. I fall to the ground. This can not be true. I will not die like this.

*Wakes up*

I open my eyes am see a hospital room. I look around and see no one around me. Why am I here? Then I remembered what Sally did to me. I try to sit up but feel pain on my stomach. Someone opens the door. In comes a nurse. She looks at me and runs out. Wow that is weird I thought nurses. In comes the nurse and a doctor. "Miss. Z welcome back. You have been in a coma for one month. We belived by now you would be dead. That is why the nurse was surprise. That hit you got to the head caused brain damage. The kick to the stomach caused a rib to brake. The nurse was actually coming to turn you off. Who would you like us to call?" he said.

They were going to turn me off. They were going to let me die. They thought I was dead. Did Harry think that? Who let them turn me off? "Can I ask who told you to let me go?" I say.

My voice was a little raspy. The nurse handed me water. I drank it and gave it back to her. "It was a boy name Marcel. He said it was time to let you go. A boy that looked like him. I think his name was Harry did not want that. He tried to stop us but his other brother, Edward, stoped him. Harry was here with you the whole time. He always asked us what we were doing to you before we could gove you medicine. He never left your side at all. Do you want us to call him?" he said.

I looked to him. "Can I talk to him? Please." I asked the doctor.

He told me yes. He took a phone out of his pocket and gave it to me. He and the nurse left. The phome was mine. I saw all my pictures were changed. It had a picture of Harry now. I go to the contacts. All my numbers were deleted except one. I knew it was Harry's. I clicked call. I hope he answers. It rings. Please Harry answer. It rings again. Harry answer. I hear someone answer. "Hello this is Liam. I am sorry but Harry dose not want to talk to anyone. So would you like to leave a message." said Liam.

I felt tears coming out. "Can you put Harry on the phone, please. Say it is someone that knows about Maria. Please." I say.

I hear a sigh on the other line. I heard movement and then Harry's crys. "I don't want to talk to anyone. I only want her! leave me alone." he said.

"Harry the person said she knows about Maria. Just listen to them. Do it for her." said Liam.

It cause me to cry harder. I heard a door open. Then someone grabbing thhe phone. "What! What do you want?! I have no time for a interview! leave me in peace!" screams Harry.

I feel more tears come out. "What about me Harry. Do you still want to talk? Harry please." I say.

I heard him hold his breath. "Maria is that you? Love is that you? I thought.. I thought..They told me. " Harry said.

I heard him crying. "Harry please come back. I have not seen you since long. Please." I said.

"I will. I will go right now. Wait for me. I love you." he said.

He hung up the phone. My Harry. He is coming. In comes the nurse. She had a shot with I guess sleep medicine. She came to me. I moved away. "Please let me wait till he come. Please. I have to see him. Please." I tell her.

She sighs and puts the shot down next to the bed. I thanked her.

*15 minutes later*

I was starting to feel tired and pain. Where is Harry? Then the door opens and in comes Harry, Marcel, Edward, and all of One Direction. I smile. Harry runs to me and kisses me. This time on the lips. I kiss him back. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. Each boy says hi to me and takes a seat. The nurse excuses herself and gets up. She tells Liam something and leaves. "Okay we have 15 minutes and then they will give Maria her pain killers that will make her sleep." Liam said.

"I am sorry Maria I left you for one minute. They told me you had no chance od living. Marcel choose to turn you off. I tried to stop him but Edward helped him. I am never going to leave you again. I love you too much to leave you." Harry said.

Tears started coming out of his eyes. I wiped them away. I heard someone cry behind me it was Marcel. "Sorry Maria for telling them to turn you off. It.. was al..ready past one ... month and ... you did no..t wake up. It was the time." Marcel said.

"It was not your fault Marcel. If I did not wake up then there would be nothing to do. Edward it is not your fault either. I choose to stay by myself. You see nothing happened to me. Don't cry. I will start."I say.

They laugh. "So what happened while I was gone?" I asked the boys.

They looked at each other. "Maria you came to the hospital and we were still on tour. We finished and came right away. We came three weeks ago. Harry never left your side. Edward and Marcel blamed what happened to you on them. I tried to convinse them but the ignored me." said Liam.

I look to Marcel and Edward. I tried to move but felt pain. All the boys jumped up. "I am alright just hert myself trying to move. Sorry." I said. When the boys fixed me in walks the nurse. "I am sorry but visting hours are done and only one of you can stay. The rest need to leave." The nurse said.

The boys get up and Harry to. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. He turned to me. I made a puppy dog face. He laughed at me. He said bye to the boys. He goes to the other side of me and lays there. The nurse put the shot in my air line. I feel it act up and I get tired. She leaves me and Harry alone. "Goodnight Harry. I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too Maria. Never scare me like that again. Goodnight hope you have dreams of me." he says.

He kisses my head and I slowly drift to sleep.

Hoped you liked it.
Aww Harry and Maria.
Just to say if anyone has twitter follow me at @1d_mgo.
Hope you liked it.
See you tomorow.

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