Chapter One

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Cover Credit to Meighan1DS on Twitter 

The world has three groups, the normals, Angels, and Demons. Everybody was born as a normal but at the age of ten you would start to change. Your eyes would start to change as black as night, or your eyes would turn all white or you might just stay the same. If your eyes happen to change you get sent off to a school to learn everything about what you got chosen as. You go far off into this unknown town that is top secret, that nobody that is normal knows where it is. 

When you get sent you move in with a family of what you are going to be, the town is split in half Demons on one side and the Angels on the other. But in the middle of the town there was all the local/public areas. What you would normally see in any other town, I moved here shortly after my tenth birthday as my eyes started to turn all white so I was moved out here. Luckily I have family members who are Angels so I got to move in with them, finding out I was Angel was a shock to my entire family except for my Aunt who also happens to be one. As my entire family has a history of being Demons, they say that it isn't genetic but most people think it is. 

Once you turn twenty-one you are allowed to stay in the town to be a home for new kids or you can go back to where you came from. They normally like to keep Demons in the town as Demons are powerful, they have the power to basically do anything. They can read your mind, control you, if you can think of it they can do it. That is why they made the law about not having cross schools but they still happened, I happen to go to one. 

They make you wear a necklace of what stage you are at, there is eleven stages. I happen to be a stage ten. The symbol of that is a cross with the star of David. As I walk into the school my friends swarm me about how there in a new kid, but then they said he was a Demon and I lost intrest in it. 

"Natalie come on, we already seen him and he is so hot and he is a stage ten just like you." I raised an eyebrow, a new kid showing up and he is already a stage ten? I start walking towards my first class, which happened to be a normals class Math. Normals class means that no matter what you are you take it for some reason my class is all Angels except a few Demons. All my friends say bye to me and I walk into class late. I look at the clock and realize that I am ten minutes late, my teacher just glances at me and then motions for me to sit down.

I glance around the room and see only one empty seat next to a guy I have never seen before. He smirks as I walk towards the chair next to him. As I sit down he moves him head closer to mine, I freeze. I look at him and we are barely two inches away from each other, he quickly moves his head away from mine when the bell rings to signal announcements. Nothing was really happening today, after they were done Mr.Grew stood up.

"Students we have a new student, please come to the front of the class and tell us about yourself." Mr. Grew motioned for him to come to the front of the room, the boy next to me stood up and slowly made his way to the front of the room. Once to the front he turned around his eyes were no longer black they were his normals eyes. Which is understandable because we do learn the power to do that so if we do move back to where we originally came from we could blend in. When the first word left his mouth you could tell right then and there that every girl would be over him.

The way he looked, the way he talked, the fact that he was a Demon was also a plus. Every girl literally leaned forward and stared at him, I wondered if he was pulling a trance on them and soon figured out that he was but I was sure that wouldn't have stopped the girls anyways. If he was pulling a trance why wasn't I included in it? I just decided to listen to what he was saying anyways. 

"Well I'm Harry Styles but I rather be just called Styles, stage ten." As he said that he pulled out his necklace which was under his shirt, when I saw it I let out a gasp. His eyes found me and I grabbed mine and looked at it. Each necklace usually has something different about it as everybody's was unique. When he put it back under his shirt, I realized that it was different. He then went on talking again.

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