Chapter Twenty-Six

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Styles Pov. 

Standing in front of my old school made me feel sick to my stomach. The last time I was here or even saw my friends is when I got kicked out. Lucifer told me that I should go warn my friends and maybe get them on our side. Since Rick was going to use Angels and Demons against us, all we have is humans. But if I could convince some demons or even angels to join us. We would have a slightly better chance. We didn't know what our plan was yet, we just had to get some people together. 

I hoped that we could get some demons and angels on our side. Humans weren't nearly as strong as us, so having some of them on our side would really help. It was around lunch time, people were outside and some were leaving. I was behind a tree, I kept looking to see if I could see any of my friends but no luck. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around. 

"Styles! Man where have you been? You've even been on the news." My friend Zac, with a couple of other friends behind him stood before him. 

 I shook my head, "That doesn't matter, I need some help?" 

Out of all my friends I always could count on Zac. He nodded and I knew it wouldn't exactly be safe to explain it here. We needed as many people as we could get but I didn't want to freak everybody out.

"Follow me." I start walking quickly to this lake down the road. Nobody really took care of the land around it so it over grew. But it you made it close to the water there happened to be enough space to sit down. One time we put wood down and that's why we could sit there. They figured out where I was going and got into the same pace as me. We made our way to the wood and sat down. 

"Is everything okay? We haven't seen you this serious since like ever." My other friend Eric said, the others agreed. 

"Because this is serious." 

I had to figure out how I could say this without freaking them out, I had to also convince them. There wasn't no way in hell that they would just agree to going to war. Especially with humans, and then go against our own kind. In reality the only person we had to defeat was Rick. Maybe there is a way we can get rid of him without hurting any angels or demons. But we also had to help the humans, and be on their side no matter what. If a Demon or an Angel attacked we had to get rid of them to make our way to Rick. 

Zac sitting next to me nudged me. "You gonna tell us or not?" He looked at the others and they nodded agreeing with him. 

"Yea sorry, um not sure how to say this b-" I got caught off as I sensed somebody behind us, watching us. 

They must have sensed it also as we both looked back at the same time. I saw a dark mist and I knew who it was right away. I realized that my friends did not. They looked as if they were about to jump up but I stopped them.

I held my arm up. "Don't worry I know who this is." 

They gave me a confused look but I noticed they weren't as tense. The mist moved closer to us, he wasn't going to his full form yet. Once the mist was in front of us I stood up. The others followed my action. The mist started to take form and Lucifer was now standing in front of us. 

Zac realized who it was. He pointed at him and started to mutter something. "You are, you are Lu-"

"Yes I am Lucifer, nice to meet you Zac." Lucifer had cut him off. I watched my friends, trying to see if they were afraid or shocked. I would say both. They acted starstruck. 

"How do you know me?" Zac asked, trying to play it cool but was failing. 

I held a laugh in, "I know all demons." 

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