Chapter Twenty-Two

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Natalie's Pov. 

I opened my eyes, last night replayed in my head. Smiling to myself I turned my head to find the spot next to me empty. The smile left my face. I wondered where he was, I got up and made my way downstairs. The house was quiet, quieter then usual. My fingers ran against the wall as I reached the kitchen. Empty.  I turned right back around and ran into Lucifer. He looked at me but pushed past me. He looked tired. 

I turned back around and watched him as he grabbed a glass and poured himself something to drink. He turned back around, his eyes meeting mine. He didn't say anything as he took sips of his drink. I stood there awkwardly, looking down at the ground. 

I could still feel his eyes on me as he walked past me, soon the feeling disappeared as did he. 

I wondered why he didn't say anything. How stupid am I? He was probably waiting for me to say something first. I turned around and went up the stairs, thinking he was at his office. I got to the top floor and turned right, I walked past other doors that were closed. I kept walking, maybe I could find one that was open and maybe he would be there. I soon found an open door and looked in. It was clearly his office but he was nowhere to be seen.  

"What are you doing up here?" 

I jumped, thinking I was alone. I slightly turned my head and saw Lucifer. He didn't seem mad but he could be just hiding it. 

"I um tried to find you?" I turned my body so i was full on looking at him. 

He walked into the room, "Well you found me, what do you want?" 

"Where's Styles?" I asked. 

"Well I would love to give you an answer but I have no idea." 

"Thanks." I quickly said and got out of there. 

I went down the stairs wondering where he could be. I got stopped on my way to the kitchen by Alex. 

"Eat up and get ready for training. Doing it early today so you have free time later." She said happily, all I could do was give her a fake smile. 

I was not going to enjoy this training stuff, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible but I didn't even know how long I had to do this. I hoped it wouldn't be for that long. 

Styles Pov. 

The moment I got up I left. The feeling was back, I tried to ignore it as I made my way out but I still went. My legs had a different idea then what I actually had in mind. I kept walking, thinking of the perfect place to go. I closed my eyes and felt a gust of wind. I opened myself and found myself on top of a house. I looked around and couldn't see anything to identify where I was. 

The house was only one level so I made my way to a tree that was on the side. Luckily for me it had a decent branch facing the house. I got on it and looked down, it wasn't that big of a drop but I didn't want to risk it. I looked slightly left and saw another branch that looked like it could support me. I slowly fell to it.  I heard a dog bark and I looked up. Five feet in front of me a dog was staring at me. 

It was a German shepherd. I turned my head to find another branch and it barked. Barking continuously I had to do something quick before somebody came and looked. The dog came closer. Now just a few feet from the ground I made my move. I jumped on top of the dog, having my body weight holding it down. I looked around and no lights went on in any of the house. Thankfully it was in the middle of the night. 

The dog whined causing me to look back down to it. I didn't know what to do, I knew one thing I wasn't going to kill it. It kept whining so I got up and ran a few feet away and looked back. It sat there looking at me. I quickly made my way out of the yard, I kept looking back to see if it was following but it wasn't. I slowed down once I was a few feet away from the house. 

I wasn't exactly sure where I was going but kept walking. I heard somebody talking and I turned my head towards the voice. I caught a glimpse of a women on a porch. I looked into her yard and saw a small dog. I walked into her yard, locking my eyes on her. She turned her head towards me and her eyes met mine. 

"Who are you?" She asked. 

I ignored her as I got closer to her. Her dog didn't do anything, must have been a puppy as it just stared at us. Not knowing what was going on. 

She backed up against her house, fear keeping her in place as I walked up the steps. I was a few inches away from her when she spoke again. 

"What do you want?" She whispered, fear in her voice. 

I put my hand over her mouth. "Do you live alone?" 

She shook her head no. I peered into the glass door to look inside. 

"Who do you live with?" I removed my hand letting her talk. 

"M-my husband." She was afraid of me, I smiled to myself. 

I put my hand over her mouth again. 

"Sleeping?" I asked and she nodded. 

I grabbed her and went into the house. I heard snoring coming from upstairs. My hand still over her mouth, I saw the kitchen and slowly made my way to it with her. I quietly opened her drawers and cabinets to find nothing useful. I found a knife and took it out but put it down on the counter. I was looking around more when her husband's voice made me stop what I was doing. 

"Lorrie? Honey are you down there?" 

I looked at her, "Tell him to go back to sleep and you'll be up there soon." I whispered. 

"Um yea I am, just go back to sleep. I'll be there soon!" She yelled back to him. 

"Alright." Was all he said. 

I grabbed the knife and put it against her neck. 

"Don't worry, this is going to be over sooner then what you think." 

She closed her eyes, and I smiled to myself. Better get started. 

Sorry it was short, and kinda lame idk. I might do a double update, like maybe I will update Friday. I just wanted to end it here and sorry once again. ~K

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