Chapter Twenty-Four

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She laid on the bed, not knowing what to think. She wanted to run, run far away but she couldn't. The tears slowly fell off her face onto the pillow. She finally controlled her sobs, now only down to some heavy shaky breaths. Her eyes closed, trying to get the pictures out of her mind. But they were permanently there. 

The door to the room opened and her eyes opened. He walked into the room slowly, closing the door behind him before he made his way to her bed. Her eyes went to his hand and she knew instantly what he had. The pictures. She tightly closed her eyes, she sat up getting ready for whatever was about to happen. 

Natalie's Pov. 

"I assume that these are the things that made you scream out and run?" He turned his hand so I could see the pictures. 

I nodded, tears coming to my eyes. Lucifer sat on the edge of the bed. 

"Do you want me to find out how it happened? Who did it? Or do you want to go to the police?" He asked.  

"You." Was all I could manage out. 

He got up and halfway hugged me as I was sitting down. He pulled away and coughed. I just sat there staring straight ahead. Not sure what to do now. I regretted not calling my parents. Before this happened I haven't talked to them in months, with everything going on it slipped my mind. 

"Well I have some work to do, I will cancel your training for the next couple of days?"  

He made his way to the door. "Just find out who did it, please! Once you do, I want to take care of them myself." 

He turned back around and nodded. "Trust me, I will tell you right away." 

With that he left my room, closing the door behind him. I made patterns in the blanket, not sure what I should do. Maybe contact my friends? Maybe they can help me with this. I went against it, I feel like even if I did get a hold of them they wouldn't even care. They haven't even tried to contact me so why should I? 

I heard a soft knock on my door. Before I said anything the door knob moved and the door opened. Styles peaked his head in. 

"Is it okay if I come in?" I nodded. 

He came in the room, closing the door behind him. He sat down next to me. I looked his way but quickly looked away once I realized he was looking at me. His hand found mine, I didn't pull away. A few tears made their way out but Styles took his other hand and wiped them away. I was glad I had Styles, it seems as if he's the only person who truly cares. I loved him. 

Styles Pov. 

I wiped her tears. Her eyes met mine, not looking away this time. 

"Natalie, what's wrong?" I feared that she would say she found out what happened. 

I hope she didn't know, and if she does I hope she doesn't find out its me. The person that killed her parents.  

"My parents.....are dead." She whispered the last part, her eyes looking down at the bed. 

I pulled her onto my lap and held onto her. Her head on my shoulder. I ran my hand in her hair, my shirt started to get wet. Sobs shook her body.I started to feel guilty. I wasn't sure what to say, one wrong word and my secret might slip out.  She pulled back and looked into my eyes. Our foreheads against each others. I kissed her. 

"I love you." Was all I said. 

"I love you too." She said back before getting up. 

I watched her as she went and got a hair brush. 

"Who could have done such a thing?" She said, looking into the mirror doing her hair. 

"I honestly don't know." 

"Well once Lucifer finds out who it is, I am going to go after them and I don't know what I will do but it won't be pretty." 

Still doing her hair, I sat there. Trying to hid the fact that I was the one. I would have to go talk to Lucifer that was for sure. If he found out it was me I wasn't sure what he would do but I would make sure he didn't tell her. I heard a small bang and I looked at the brush, which was now on the floor. 

"Fuck it! I'm going to take a shower." She stormed into the next room slamming the bathroom door closed. Clearly ignoring me. 

I figured he would be up in his office so that is where I went. I knocked on the door and he let me in. 

"Please sit down." I looked at him and I could tell by the look on his face, he knew. 

I sat there, afraid what he was going to do. He made his way to his desk and sat across from me. I tried to act like nothing was going on just in case he didn't know. 

"Why?" Was all he said. 

"Why what?" Playing dumb may or may not be the best choice but I did it. 

"For fucks sake Harry why the fuck did you kill them?" He said with a low voice not wanting her to hear. 

I stood up and leaned over his desk. 

"Listen, things would go easier if you didn't use my first name or we will have a bigger problem then what we already have." Spitting out my words, he looked up at me. Clearly not afraid of me. I saw down and tried to act like that didn't just happened. 

"Listen here, I am not afraid of you. I don't need more problems then what we already have. I am just going to ask a few questions and then we can figure out what we are going to do, alright?"

I nodded. Trying to avoid the fact that I am not the toughest or biggest person in the room. Which was a new feeling as usually people are afraid of me which doesn't happen to be the best feeling either.  

"First off, out of all the people in the world you pick her parents? Like really?" 

I shook my head."It wasn't like that, I saw a picture of them with her on the wall after I did it." 

He let out a long breath, running his hand in his hair.

"I'll just get right to it, what are we going to tell her? She knows I will have an answer sooner or later." 

He was right about one thing, we can't tell her I was the one who did it. 

"Say a random person?" I suggested. 

"Well that might work but-" I cut him off. 

"No buts, just look up a random Demon guy and say it was him." 

"No! If I am going to do that it will not be a Demon. Maybe just a random normal." I nodded agreeing with him. 

"Now, how did the pictures get in that room?" 

I gave him a weird look, what pictures? I guess he realized I didn't know what he was talking about . He handed me two pictures. I cringed at the pictures, instantly regretting what I did. 

"So if you don't know how they got there how did they?" 

I looked up at him and I knew we both thought of the same person, Rick. 

Sorry this chapter is so short guys, and sorry there was no real update last week. I think I might update again on Saturday? Just because this was such a short chapter and it isn't fair to you guys. Thanks so far for the support, please share with friends!! Thanks for reading. :) ~K

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