Chapter Six

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Styles' Pov.

She fell to the ground letting out a small scream, she completely then completely fell over with her eyes closed. He then picked her up and walked towards me. He laid her on the bed, he took off his cape and he was shirtless. His black wings spread out behind him. He had black pants on and no shoes. His hair was down to his shoulders, it was brown. His eyes were black as any other demons. The wings confused me before I realized he was a fallen Angel.

"What are you doing here?" 

He directed his attention towards me. I looked around trying to think of a good enough reason. I found the book and pointed at it. He followed my finger and found the book. He went and picked it up, he read the cover and nodded his head in approval.

"Your here for the book?"

He looked up from the book and I just nodded. He didn't say anything more. He closed the book and gave it to me. He found a chair in the room and pulled it up to the bed. He grabbed her arm, the one were I had marked her.

"Did you fucking mark her?" 

I tried to move back a little but realized the wall was in my way. I couldn't move to the right of me as there was no more bed to move on. I was not going to move to the left as it would be closer to him, and she was in the way anyways. 

"Answer me!"

He was so loud, I was surprised her aunt didn't come and check on us. I nodded not sure what would come out of my mouth. He let out a sigh with his head in his hands. I just sat there looking from her back to him.

"Do you realize how fucking stupid you are? Now she isn't only Wicked, she's yours." 

I raised an eyebrow, "But you marked her, wouldn't that take her away as mine?" 

He shook his head, looking up I saw his eyes. His real eyes. A dark emerald green, it seemed as if they glowed in the dark. 

"Silly silly boy, its funny actually....she isn't yours, your simply hers. Think about that boy, you marked her when you knew she was Wicked. When somebody turns Wicked whoever has marked them gets reversed. She is no longer yours, its the other way around." 

We sat there in silence, I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't dare look up and meet his gaze. I don't care what he says. She is mine and only mine, no other way around or anything. I heard a gasp and turned my head. He had his hands over her chest and was doing something I wasn't sure of. A couple moments later her eyes wide open with her mouth slightly open. He then laughed, he whispered something into her ear. She nodded her head, he gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then he put his cape on and left the room while closing the door.

She slowly sat up as I watched her. She was rubbing her neck as I just kinda sat there, waiting for her to say something or do something. She looked up and her eyes were her blue ones. The color of the ocean, I swear you could get lost in them for hours. But then she changed them, they weren't like her normal Angel eyes. They were a white/greyish color, Wicked eyes.

Wicked eyes is just a mix of Angel and Demon eyes, she let out a cry and her hands went up to her face. She was covering her eyes, rubbing them. 


It came out as a whisper but she still managed to hear me. She froze stopping everything she was doing. She removed her hands from her face and looked at me. She blinked a couple of times, like she was trying to focus her eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" 

"Remember? I own you now."

Even though he said that its reversed I was almost sure she didn't know that. So I said that waiting for her reply, I waited but got no reply. She got up and opened her bedroom door, she moved her arm making a motion as saying 'get out'. I got up and closed the door and pushed her against it.

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