Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is dedicated to Hannah.

Natalie Pov. 

His arm was still around me when I felt him move closer to me, if that was even possible. I felt his breath on my neck. I turned my head to meet his. They were no longer his normal eyes,  seeing his eyes black made it seem like the room got darker. I tried to move away but his grip held me in place. I put my hands on his chest to push him away but it was no use. He played with my hair with the hand he didn't have holding me there. His lips found my neck, I sat there like nothing was happening. My strength was not enough to push him off.

"Styles stop." I whispered. 

He stopped his actions and looked up. 

"Remember what I said, just go with it."

I wasn't sure if I trusted Styles exactly, I mean when we came here there was a dead body. I did not want to end up like her.  His lips found mine interrupting my thoughts. It felt as if my mind went blank, all the bad thoughts flew out of my head as I kissed back. I knew what he wanted but did I want it? I felt his grip loosen, he lips left mine. My breathing was heavy, I moved so I was laying down. He moved one leg so he was siting on me. He looked down at me and smirked. We started kissing again, my hands in his hair. 

 By the way his hips kept gently moving I knew what was going to happen. He pulled away and he stayed where he was. He reached over and grabbed something that I couldn't see. He had it behind his back, as soon as I heard the ripping like sound I knew what it was. I tried to push him off but he stayed put. I let out a scream and that's when his hand went over my mouth. In his other hand was a piece of tape. He pinned my hands above me as he put the tape over my mouth. He took his hand and ran over it to make sure it was on. He smirked at me and I looked away. He take my chin in his hands and kissed the tape exactly where my lips were. 

"Stay there and don't move or you'll regret it." He threatened me.

I knew that I could easily take him down, but as he walked toward the table I was siting next to merely about 10 minutes ago, I knew it had a knife on it. He walked back over to me with rope, he completely ignored me, by not looking at me. He moved me so I was laying on the bed the length way. He tied my hands to the headboard and then my legs at the bottom. I watched his every move, the way his expression changed, everything. He pulled scissors out of his pocket and started cutting away my shirt. It wasn't worth the struggle. I laid there watching him do this to me when he promised he wouldn't. 

I felt him cut away my bra and I felt his eyes on my chest. He took one of them into his hand, making me jump a bit.  He quickly moved onto my jeans. He cut everything off, he stood back to admire me, I didn't like how all the attention was drawn to me, especially my body. If I wouldn't have been tied up I would be trying to cover myself. 

He pulled off his shirt, even though I was partially getting raped here. I had to admit he had a good body. I tried to actually get out of the rope but I couldn't get it. By the time I looked back at him his pants were off and he was just getting his boxers off. Right before he took it all the way off he looked at me. He went over to the table and grabbed something. He came back and winked at me and covered my eyes. Now I couldn't move and I couldn't see. I felt the bed sink down a bit as he got on it.

I felt him put himself up to my entrance. He pushed in without any warning. I let out a groan, he wasted no time as he pushed in. He did at a steady pace, I soon felt my body reacting to him. I tried to think of anything but what was happening. I knew he was getting close as his moans kept getting louder with every thrust. I could feel it in my stomach. My body was betraying me. 

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