Chapter Two

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I stood there frozen not sure how to react to his words or actions, he moves my head so he can see my neck better. He runs his finger up and down my neck that's when fear hits me, he is going to try to change me right here right now. Instead he took his hand and wrapped it around my neck, his muscles were tense. He slammed my head into the wall, "Why are you so fucking different?" With that he let go of my neck and walked away, I slowly sat on the floor my head killing me. I watched him walk away, he turned back to look at me but quickly looked forward when he saw I was watching him.

What did he mean by me being different? Lunch would be over soon so I stood up and I was dizzy, I tried to walk but I almost tripped over the air. I sensed somebody sitting down next to me, the way he hugged me I knew it was Jacob. He didn't say anything and honestly I didn't expect him to say anything, I changed my eyes to normals and I looked at him. He studied my face and I was sure that he was trying to get into my head to find out what was going on. My head was still killing me I couldn't exactly think straight as the hit messed me up. He got up and he held out his hand and I was confused at first but I took it anyways, we started walking to who knows where but my legs started to go weak so he picked me up.

We ended up in the main office, I tried to listen to what he was saying but I couldn't. The next thing I knew I was laying down, I tried to focus on the things around me and I was in the Angel room, which is just basically a healing center. I felt a needle go into my arm I let out a cry as I wasn't prepared, "Close your eyes, it will work faster that way." 

I closed my eyes and relaxed, I felt something warm come over me from my toes to the top of my head. I opened my eyes and everything seemed to be back to normal, my vision was no longer blurry and I could see perfectly fine. My head was no longer hurting, I sat up and the room was empty. I looked out the window and found nothing, I stood up and I expected to be dizzy but I wasn't. I got to the door and took the knob in my hand in turned it and opened it. 

My friends were out there as was Jacob, they all smiled when I gave a fake one. "Natalie I would like to see you in my office." I found the head master standing there and he did not look happy, I walked into his office and I knew everybody was watching me but I didn't really care. I sat down in one of the chairs across from his desk, he sat across from me and looked past me but I knew he wasn't looking exactly past me. His black eyes being one of the darkest I have ever seen, it confused me on how black could get any blacker then it already is but it was possible.

"I want to know what kind of game your playing here in my school." He said it more as a statement then a question, confused I asked him what he meant. He then started to laugh, "Come on, tell me what your trying to do and I will let you get off the hook."

When people say that you already know that you are never off the hook, "I have no idea what you are talking about." He slammed his hands on his desk leaning over it looking at me, making me jump back in my seat. "TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR ILL HAVE YOU VANISHED!" What I did next surprised both of us, I stood up and got only two inches away from his face and yelled at him. "MAYBE I WOULD TELL YOU IF I KNEW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT!"

After that he was speechless he pointed towards the door and I left, my friends surrounded me but I pushed past them. Somebody grabbed my arm and I turned around and I met Jacobs eyes, I ripped my arm out of his grasp leaving him there with the rest of my friends. 

I slowly make my way down the hallway, I look at the clock and class has already started and I'm surprised that they let my friends stay with me. I have Normals English this hour but I don't feel like going so I plan on skipping, I make my way to the empty room on the right. That's its nickname as it is an empty room and its on the right, mostly its where you go when you have nothing to do and to study but right now its where I am choosing to stay where I skip.

I walk into the room and he is there, his back is facing me as he looks outside the window. "What are you doing here?" I say harsher then intended, "I should be asking you the same thing." He says, no emotion in his voice he turns to look at me and his eyes are the green ones I saw earlier this morning. He watches me sit down in a chair on the other side of the room, "Hey I would say Im sorry for earlier but I'm really not." He smirks and I glare at him, "You're an asshole you know that." 

He laughs, "Well I've been called worse I can tell you that." He stops smiling and looks outside again, I look out and I see nothing but the sky. We both stayed quiet for a bit, I wasn't sure what to really say to him. "How did you get kicked out of your other school?"

I didn't even realize I spoke the words till he looked at me again, I cursed to myself for saying something. "I um have some issues, I did some things that I shouldn't have done none of which concern you." 

"Oh really? Because what you did back there in that hallway might be linked up to it." He took a couple of deep breathes before he talked, "If you really want to know I killed a couple of people, my body just took over and I couldn't control it anymore." 

I watched him carefully waiting for him to say more but he never did, I don't know whats going on with me, me being so confident and talking to him. Before he came here I rarely talked to anybody, I made sure I stayed out of attention as I don't like it. I moved closer to him, he acted like he didn't notice but I saw him looking out the corner of his eyes. "Since when are Angels so confident?" 

It was right then and there that I realized he had an accent, "What do you mean?" I reply confused on what he means even though I was just thinking the same thing to myself. 

"Well most Angels are weak, they don't do anything but sit there and be pretty. They usually never fight or swear." I glare at him, "Never under estimate an Angel." 

"Deep down inside your not an Angel your a Demon, you just need somebody to make that change for you. You have the power, I can sense it." He moves his arm towards me and I move away from him, he smirked and turned his head away from mine. I got up to leave but the door slammed in my face I turned towards him and he was now standing.

"Not so fast, we have some unfinished business to take care of first." 

He came over to me and I pushed him, "Don't fucking touch me." He looked shocked that I even dared to push him, I knew that if he really wanted to I could be dead within five seconds. 

"Don't worry I only want to talk." He tried to act innocent but I wasn't going to fall for it. 

"Then why the fuck would you slam the door and lock it so nobody could come in here?" I wasn't having any of his shit, I didn't want to deal with him and his Demon ways. I could feel the anger building up in my body, one wrong word or action from him and his face would be meeting my fist. 

"There is something about you, something about you that I don't like. Something is wrong with you." That was it I moved my fist towards his face but he caught it and stopped it with his hand, "There is nothing wrong with me, your the person who has something wrong with them!" I scream at him, he laughed. 

"Lets see, remember when you were a stage two and they told you that Demons can read and do whatever they please with Angels minds?" He asks with a calm tone, and I slowly nod my head not sure where he is taking this. 

"Has anybody played with your mind? When I ask that I mean since the day you started changing not just recently." 

Now that he recalls it, I don't ever remember being sucked into a Demons mind spell/trick. I always remember seeing everybody else fall into the trance but not me. I shake my head, not trusting what might come out of my mouth. 

"That's the thing Natalie, I can't read your mind I can't control you I can't put a trance on you and it is pissing me off. I am so used to doing it, I'm getting irritated that I can't and you know what they say about Angels like this, don't you?"

"N-No I don't." He takes a deep breathe before he says the word, the meaning of that word that nobody has been in millions of years.

"You're Wicked Natalie."


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