Chapter Five

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Natalie Pov.

When I finally put the book down it was midnight. When I looked up Styles was in my room. I jumped up from my bed. "What the fuck are you doing in my fucking room? How long have you been here?"

He shrugged and looked at the book. "What the fuck are you doing with this?"

"I asked you first." My tone of voice changed. I wanted to kick him out but I couldn't make that much noise considering my aunt, and I wasn't as strong as him. He stood there for a few seconds studying me before he answered. 

"I don't think it really matters now does it?" He inched closer to me and I stood my ground. But as he got closer I started moving back.

"Answer me." I demanded. He ignored me and kept getting closer and closer. As I moved back, my back hit the wall and he was a barely a foot away. His body pressed against mine with the book in between us. His hand went down to my hip and I jumped. He moved his head closer to mine. I felt his breath on my neck. "Remember when I said you were mine? I wasn't lying. I own you now." 

I didn't say anything as I felt his lips on my neck. A couple seconds later I pushed him off of me. I needed to focus and not get raped here.

"You do not own me." 

After I said that he got closer then before, throwing the book out of my hands. He let out a small laugh and snapped his fingers. My hands went straight to my side and I couldn't move them. I tried to move my legs but they also were tied down with the "force". 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked with a little bit of fear in my voice. I was hoping he didn't notice.He ignored me as he grabbed my arm. I forgot Demons have sharp nails. He took his nail and moved it down my arm. Leaving a small cut, the pain came but left leaving just a small sting. The blood dripping down my arm, I watch him take his finger and wipe it off. He then took it and got it off by rubbing his finger on my arm.

He went to go say something when we both heard a knock on my door. I looked at him and then at the door. He let stopped whatever he was doing to hold me down. He pointed towards my personal bathroom and went in there. By the look he gave me made it clear he wasn't going to leave. My arm was still bleeding so I put on a jacket but didn't zip it up, just to cover my arm. Since it was midnight I didn't expect it to be my aunt but when I opened the door she was standing there.

"Natalie you need to go to sleep now, that is an order." 

I nodded and she looked in my room and left. I heard her open her bedroom door, I closed mine then. I turned off the light and went to go sit on my bed. Hearing his voice made me jump.

"Miss me?"

Even though I couldn't see him I could sense the smirk on his face. I gave him a dirty look even though I was sure he couldn't see me. But then I remembered Demons can see really good in the dark if they had their Demon eyes. I was guessing he still had them as he left my room to hid with them. I figured he wasn't finished with me and I was afraid. I tried to hid the fact that I was afraid of him but I was sure he knew anyways.

"Let's continue where we left off shall we?" 

He didn't wait for a reply, as if I would have gave him one anyways. He snapped his fingers again and it felt as if he tied my limps down. 

"I could do so many things right now to you, I'm just not sure what I should start with."

He sat there thinking for a bit while I tried to figure out how I could get away. 

"First I think I should mark you as mine, as you are mine and always will be."

I sensed him getting close to my neck, he didn't do anything but I still felt his breath on me. I felt the same sting on my arm as he did another cut. He turned on a small light, he took his finger and made a small cut so he was also bleeding.

In order for Demons to mark other people they have to mix their blood with the person they are trying to mark. It is impossible for a Demon to mark a Demon. If I am Wicked like he says I don't understand how this would work. I feel his finger on me again. I can tell that he is trying to get his blood into mine. I felt this heat go up my arm and soon through my entire body. Head from toe my body got warmer, it was like somebody was laying a blanket on me.

Styles took my arm and his finger wiped up the blood. I lifted my head up and more blood just ended up coming out. He did it again, I focused on my arm and the next time he did it, it did stop bleeding.  

There was a knock on the door, I figured that it was my aunt as did Styles.

"Go away Aunt Lillian." 

She didn't reply only another knock on the door. I gave him a look through the dark and I felt the pressure on my body go away. I got up and was dizzy for a couple of seconds but it went away. I was about to open the door when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him but he kept his gaze on the door.

"Don't open the door." 

I gave him a confused look, "Why not?" 

He turned off the light. He pushed me out of the way and opened the door. I couldn't really see anything as I was on the other side so the door was in my face. All I could see was a black mist. Since I have been in the dark for so long my eyes have adjusted to it. All I could hear was mumbling as they weren't talking loud enough to make out what they were saying.

I just knew it wasn't my aunt. Styles went from the floor to my bed, almost like flying. I knew whoever was there threw him across the room. 

"Now were is she?"

The voice was clear, loud, and seemed more like a dark voice. I got the chills even looking at him, he didn't see me yet. Black mist was around his feet, he had a cape on with a hood so I couldn't make out what he looked like. But he had all black on. I looked at Styles and even though he might act all big and tough right now you knew he was afraid. His back was against the wall trying to get away from him. The guy turned to face me, sensing that I was there.

He walked toward me, all you could smell is what you would think death would smell like. His eyes were black, he gave me this smile and I got the chills. 

"Natalie I have chosen you to be Wicked."

I tried to back up into the wall but my back was already against the wall. He held out his hand and the palm of his hand was against my forehead. He grabbed my hair with his fingers and took my head forward. Then he pushed my head back against the wall. I let out a small scream before I fell down to my knees. My head throbbed in pain, but it stopped hurting right as I blacked out.

This took forever to write sorry, and I am so so sorry if it like sucks. I've had some things going on so yea. I promise the next one will be up sooner. Please vote/comment it means a lot to me. Hope you liked it! Love you guys!! ~K

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