Ghost x Toast

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The sudden ring of his cell phone woke up the tired Johnny Ghost, who groaned as he lifted his head up to reach toward the bedside table.

Grabbing his phone, he squinted to read the name of the person trying to call him.

Ghost sighed heavily, reading the name "Spooker" on the screen.

He answered the call, "What do you want Spooker..? It's the middle of the night..."

"Uh, It's actually 7 in the morning," Spooker's soft voice replied, making Ghost roll his eyes tiredly.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Umm... O-Oh yeah! There's a ghost! You have to get here right now!"

Ghost let out a small yawn, pulling himself into a sitting position, "Well where are you?"

"The Acahallas! You need to get here quick!"

Ghost let out another small sigh, still feeling a bit dazed, "Alright, Alright, give me ten minutes."

The phone call ended, leaving Ghost to slide out of bed.

After quickly getting dressed, he made his way into the hallway, the sweet smell of coffee in the air made Ghost smile softly.

Inside the kitchen stood his boyfriend Toast, cheerful as always while he stood by the coffee maker, his black raven hair still a bit messy while he brew their morning coffee.

Sneaking up behind him, Ghost carefully wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, feeling his body jump a little in surprise.

"Oh sir, you startled me," Toast chuckled awkwardly, feeling Ghost press his head against his back.

Ghost mumbled tiredly, "Stop calling me that, we've been dating for months now..."

With a faint blush, Toast smiled warmly as he loosened Ghost's embrace so he could return the hug, and place a soft kiss on top of his boyfriend's messy brown hair.

"Sorry," Toast apologized, before Ghost looked up at him with his golden brown eyes.

"We got a call from Spooker, he's at the acachalla house... So we have to go soon..."

Toast sighed, slowly nodding, "Oh, okay..."

The two leaned in for a quick kiss, before they both got ready to head out. Once they were all ready, they rushed into their van and drove to the house.

When arriving to the house, they were greeted by both Spooker and Colon as they parked in the drive way. They both looked very excited and jumpy, as usual. Ghost hesitated before stepping out of the van.

"You guys made it! Hurry! The ghost is in the back yard!"

Ghost stood beside Toast, trying to control his temper with these two.

"Spooker, calm down! Tell us what happened."

Colan shook his head sternly, pushing the two towards the house, "No time to explain, just go, hurry!"

Frustrated, Ghost looked at Toast, who just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. He was amazed sometimes at how much more patience Toast had. 

Walking into the house, the two men were dragged threw the hallway and toward the back door.

"It's back there! You two go!"

Ghost rolled his eyes as she opened the glass door, and stepped outside, "Guys, if this is a joke I'm gonna-"

Silence surrounded him, his eyes now fixated on the object that was flouting in the back yard.

Covered in beautiful flowers, a sign blew in the wind, that read in big letters;

"Will you marry me?"

With his mouth hanging open in shock, Ghost was frozen for a moment, processing this moment. Finally turning his head, he gasped at his boyfriend Toast, now kneeling on one knee and smiling with tears in his eyes.

"J-Johnny..?" Was the only word he could whisper, watching Toast pulling a ring out of his pocket.

"Ghost... Johnny Ghost... would you..?"

A smile grew on his face, "Yes, oh my gosh  yes!"

The two kissed, not even aware of the whole family currently watching them, all cheering with happiness.



Hope y'all like the gay I've established out here

This is the only thing I could think of that didn't involve the smexs

So like, if anyone wants the gay smexs hit me up

... I miss daddy sari.

I miss asyari... and cybomb... and the actual ships I lived and breathed.

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