Bryan x ???

183 5 16

Sitting at the edge of the motel rooftop, the young blonde haired teen stared down at the occasional travelers and traders go about their day. passing by and disappearing into the waste. It wasn't a very busy afternoon.

Bryan could overhear Davey and Veronica chatting beside him, the couple leaning against each other as they watched the horizon. He smiled for a moment, before his attention was suddenly focused by the sound of the metal gate opening.

His blue eyes gazed upon the new arrival.

A young teen. Probably the same age as him. His shaggy dark brown hair blew in the wind, covering his eyes. His pale skin complemented his dark worn out clothing, his appearance soft and timid, looking very venerable.

Bryan felt his heart skip a beat.

The boy looked around while he stepped into the motel vicinity, looking very curious. Bryan had never seen him before. He must be new here.

"Bryan, hey buddy!" Veronicas shrill voice snapped him out from his trance, his head jerking up to look back at the couple. They looked at him curiously.

"You alright bud? You look like you just seen a ghost!" She pointed out with a small smile, concern in her voice. Davey nodded, agreeing with her.

"Oh, u-uh," His voice cracked while he came up with an excuse, "T-There's someone new here, they just walked in..."

Raising a brow, Veronica shifted over to look at where he was, gazing over the new arrival.

"Oh, its another kid... Wonder where his parents are..." She mumbled to herself, glancing back over to the blonde teen, "He looks like your age, maybe you should go say hi, he looks lonely..."

Bryan swallowed nervously. He wouldn't even know what to say! He seems so cute... Wait...What...? No!

"Um, Bryan?! You okay?"

Bryan gasped softly, his face flushing as he became a stuttering mess, "I-I um, h-heh, y-yeah..."

Veronica was completely confused, her eyes locked on him as she analyzed his strange behavior.

Than the symptoms suddenly added up in her head, her face forming a small smirk, her eyes narrowing.

"What's the matter Bryan~ You see someone you like~"

Embarrassed enough, he managed to quickly slide off the rooftop before she could even finish her sentence.

Unfortunately for him, his landing caught the attention of the new brown haired boy. For a moment, they had made eye contact, and his eyes met with the stunning light brown eyes that were momentarily covered by dark stands of hair.

Bryan panicked, ripping his face away to rush to the motel room. Once inside, he quickly slammed his back against the door, signaling his two other guardians, Cywren and Timebomb.

Timebomb lifted his head from the couch pillow, while Cywren closed the fridge door that had her nuka colas inside. They both looked at him, quite worried.

"Hey little guy, everything all right?"

Cywren's soft voice clamed him down a bit. He slid his back against the door until her was sitting on the floor, speaking with a breathy tone, "Yeah, totally..."

The couple gave each other worried glances, "Bryan, you can tell us anything... What's wrong?"

Bryan nervously bit his bottom lip, his face burning with embarrassment, "I... I can't..."

Kneeling down, Cywren smiled softly at him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, "It's alright Bryan, you can trust us. Just tell me what happen..."

Bryan heisted, but let out a sigh, "Well, there's a new kid here... He's outside..."

Sitting up, Timebomb drew the old curtains back to look outside, spotting the new boy standing around, "He looks harmless. He looks like he's about your age actually, do you know him?"

"N-No," Bryan answered, his voice shaking as he tried to find the right words.

Finally, on the verge of tears, he decided to speak, "I-I.. I-I think I like.. boys..."

The motel filled with science for a moment.

It wasn't too long until Cywren smiled, speaking softly, "Oh Bryan, that's perfectly fine! You didn't have to be so afraid to tell us that, we still love you just the same. Right Timebomb?"

"Yeah bud," Timebomb responded from his spot on the couch, "You can like whoever you want, we'll support you no matter what."

The amount of relief caused tears to roll down his cheeks, a smile plastered on his face, "Thank you guys... I was just so worried you'd... abandon me or something..."

Cywren frowned, wiping away his tears, "Oh sweetie, we would never do that! Were you're family now... We would never-"

Her sentence was interrupted by a heavy knock on the door, causing Bryan to yelp, jumping to his feet. The door was kicked open, and Veronica stepped in.

"Ok Bryan! I got information!"

"Veronica what-"

"His name is Ash, your age, he's here was his mom, they came from somewhere up north, just moved in."

Cywren gasped, "W-Wait, you... you knew that Bryan liked-"

"Cywren please, believe me, I know these things~" She winked at the teen.

His face was flushed red at this point.

"All you gotta do is talk to him! Get out there, tiger!" Veronica teased as she began pushing him out the door, panic rushing over him again as he was pushed outside, his vision focused on the boy for the second time.

He could feel all four members of his family looking out the window of the motel, smiling and cheering him on. It made him smile.

Walking up to him, he didn't feel as nervous as he thought he would.


Fuck it I'll shove a part too up yo ass if anyone wants one

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