Part 1

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The alarm rang loudly in my ear. I groaned and threw the alarm to the wall. I got up and walked groggily to the toilet.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"I still look good after a one night sleep." i chuckled at myself and took a quick shower. Not forgetting to sing and dance while i'm in it.

I quickly changed into a simple outfit.

I then made my way down to the kitchen. A smile appeared on my face as i smelled something good. I quicken my pace and finally reached the kitchen.

A broad shoulder was seen,facing the stove. I smiled and hug my brother from the back. He tensed up and i chuckled. He soon relaxed and turned around. My hands around him loosen as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled and peck his cheeks.

"Jin oppa,what are you cooking?"i then moved to sit on the chair.

"Your favourite, baby sister." My eyes widened as i jumped out of my seat.

I ran to him and hug him. He chuckled and release my hands around him. He went back to continue cooking and i went back to my seat.

After a few minutes,plate of bacons and pancakes were served in front of me. My brother then sat down beside me. I thanked him for the food and began to dig in.

We were finally done. I took both of our dishes and stood up.I quickly washed it and took a glance at the clock.

"Let's go now." my brother then nodded and we went to grab our bags. We walked out of the house to both of our cars.

We both then drove off to school.I was jamming to the radio when my phone suddenly dinged. I looked at my phone. It was a message from my bestie,Hyuna.

I took my phone and she was spamming me ,saying I was late.I chuckled.

I continue to jam to the radio and I finally reached school.The parking lot was empty except for my brother,who was leaning against his car.I parked my car beside his and got out.

"Oppa,let's go."He nodded and we both walked inside.

The hallway was empty and my poker face began to appear. My brother chuckled at my face and I just shrugged.

"You sure change when in school." i just nodded.

"I just hate people in school." I then walked to my locker while playing with my phone.

I suddenly bumped into a hard chest,making me stumbled a bit.I looked up and the person was glaring at me.

"Look when you are walking, stupid." he said with his deep voice.

"Whatever jerk." i mumbled. I think he heard it because the next thing I know is I was being pushed to the lockers.

He was getting nearer to my face when somebody shouted.

"TAEHYUNG GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" I turned my head and saw my brother panting near us. This Taehyung guy scoffed and said

"Hyung,this is your sister?Tsk,she needs to pay more attention when she is walking." he smirked at me and walked off.

I turned to my brother, "You know him?" my brother nodded.

"He is one of my members, baby sister."i scoffed.

"He is?And don't call me that in school." he chuckled.

We both started walking to class. We both reached our class and my brother hugged me for the last time and left.I opened the door and the class was silent. The teacher was glaring at me and I just walked to my seat, which is at the back.

I then saw my best friend,Hyuna,giving me a thumbs up and I just shrugged.

"Miss Y/N,care to explain why you are late?" I stood up and shook my head.

"No thanks." the class was then filled with laughters. The teacher was fuming. His hands was clenched into a fist.

"Detention after school young lady."i sat back down and mumbled, "Whatever." the teacher then continued teaching. I lay my head on the table, making my arm a pillow. I dozed off.

I felt someone shaking me.I was too tired to open my eyes. Suddenly,i was carried. My eyes quickly opened to see a butt. I smacked it and he released me. I laughed as he touch his butt because of my smack.

"Let's go eat."we both walked side by side to the cafeteria.

"Hey,you are going to sit with me and my members today." i shrugged and followed him to a table filled with boys and Hyuna.

I looked around for Taehyung and he was not there with them. I quickly excused myself to the bathroom. My heart wanted to look for him.

I went to the rooftop and there he was, sitting on the edge of the rooftop. He was playing with his necklace that somehow looked familiar to me.

I walked over to him and he quickly hid the necklace away. "Who is that necklace from?"I said quietly.

"Childhood bestfriend." Suddenly everything around me turned black.


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