Part 15

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"WHAT?" Jin exclaimed.

"Hyung, relax. I don't like her-"

Jin's fist clenched.

"-i love her."

Jin's fist slowly became unclenched. He smiled. He looked towards Y/N and she was laughing away with Namjoon. Guess she is happy with everyone.

Taehyung slowly called out.


Y/N turned around. She smiled as she made her way towards him. She stood beside the bed.

"Ne?" she stared at Taehyung.

"Nothing, just wanted to say i love you." Taehyung giggled.

Y/N chuckled and hit Taehyung's chest softly. She leaned down and peck Taehyung's cheek. Jin stared lovingly at the both of them.

Namjoon from the far stared at Jin. Yoongi noticed and pushed Namjoon slightly. Everyone else chuckled.

"Go to your baby." Namjoon chuckled while nodding.

"Talk to you guys later." the rest nodded with a smile on their faces.

Namjoon made his way to Jin. He smiled seeing how Jin smile at the couple. He walked behind Jin. He smoothly wrapped his arms around Jin's waist. Jin jumped slightly.

He looked behind him and Namjoon was grinning at him. Jin smiled. Jin put his hand on top of Namjoon's hands.

Namjoon nuzzle his head in Jin's neck, inhaling Jin's scent. He smiled. Jin giggled. He felt ticklish because of Namjoon's breathing.

Everyone else in the room smiled. Yoongi felt envious. He wanted to do the same, with someone in the room. He averted his eyes to the person.

Jung Hoseok.

The latter was staring at Namjin couple while smiling so brightly. The latter then walked to sat on the couch infront of the bed. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

Yoongi stared at Hoseok. He walked towards his crush. He sat beside him. Hoseok's eyes fluttered open, sensing someone was beside him.

He smiled towards Yoongi and that made Yoongi's heart flutter. They talked as if no one was in the room. Little did they know, they had the same feelings towards each other.

Y/N's pov

Taehyung and i talked a lot, some are random but we enjoyed it. The doctor then came in. He smiled when he sees me and Taehyung communicating.

"Let me guess, you remember everything." the doctor said.

Taehyung giggled and nodded.

"That's good news. You can be released today." Everyone nodded.

Time skip to Y/N's house.

Author's pov

They were laughing around. They were havinh fun. Playing games all afternoon. Soon, it turned night time.

The guests groaned. Y/N and Jin laughed at the whining and groaning. They looked at each other. They made some kind of face and nodded.

"You know, you could stay here tonight. We could have a sleepover."

Everyone cheered. Laughters were the heard. The guests nodded.

"Let's skip school tomorrow." Y/N said.

Everyone cheered once again. Y/N laughed whole heartedly. While she was laughing, one boy was staring at her. The latter was smiling while watching Y/N.

The boy's feelings got bigger. He was staring at Y/N while his heart was pumping faster. His bunny teeth showing.

Jeon Jungkook.


Hellüü!! So this is it. Love triangle hehe. Hope you liked it !! Please vote and comment, that would mean so much to me.. :) Take care and i love you guys <3

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