Part 14

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"Jagi-ah... I miss you ~"


Everyone gasped. Y/N's tears began to fall down. She smiled though. Taehyung sat up and pulled Y/N down. He kissed Y/N's cheeks and Y/N blushed.

Everyone was still shocked at how fast Taehyung remembers everything. They gaped at the couple. Shocking isn't it.

The couple finally pulled away from the hug. The smile still plastered on Taehyung's face. He wiped Y/N's tears away while everyone 'awe'-ed at the couple. Everyone else smiled.

Jin smiled the widest. Seeing her sister smiling is everything he ever wanted as a older brother. He hates seeing Y/N all sad and gloomy. Y/N was his source of happiness. He smiles and went out.

Jin's pov

I loved seeing the couple being all lovey and dovey. But i wished for something else. I wish that Namjoon and i will be together. Being all lovey dovey was my only wish.

I sighed. I sat down on the bench outside Taehyung's room. My head hanged low. Tears started falling down, falling directly to the floor. It then created a puddle.

Seeing a figure sitting beside me, i looked up. I smiled weakly. The person pulled my chin. I was then faced him. Kim Namjoon.

"Why are you crying, Jinnie?" that nickname that always makes my heart flutters.

I shook my head, mumbling a small "nothing."

He wiped my tears away. I sighed. He then hugged me tightly. I didn't move. Speechless is the word that can describe me at the moment. I sat there, staring everything going on behind him. Things then started going in slow-motion.

Namjoon pulled away and kiss me. My eyes widened. His eyes were closed and his hands were on my waist. After a few seconds of staying still, Namjoon pulled away. He stared into my eyes.

His eyes, filled with sadness and rejection. Is it because i didn't kiss back? Does that mean he likes me?

"I-i'm s-" i cut him off with a kiss.

He smiled into the kiss. I pulled away and giggled. He pecked my cheeks.

"You know what Jin hyung? The first time i met you, i fell in love. I know some people don't believe in love in first sight but i did. And i fell in love with a gorgeous man. I tried my best to control my anger when you're with other boys-"

I giggled.

"-and i did. I kept it in for so long and now i'm confessing to you. So Kim Seokjin, be mine please?"

I nodded. He stood up, grabbed my waist and started pulling me closer. He leaned in and was about to kiss me when someone cleared their throats.

We looked over and saw our squad standing there, arm folded. Smirking at the us. I blushed and pulled away. I walked in the room and Taehyung was sitting there, staring at Y/N. I smiled.

"You really like her,don't you?" i stared at him.



Hellüü !! This is it, i've updated :) Hope you guys loved it. Vote and comment please <3 Take care and i love you guys <3

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