Part 4

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A/N : Let's take a moment to enjoy this beautiful picture ~ ^^

Jin froze.He looked at the person with wide eyes.I was confused.Does he know this person?

"C-chanyeol..."Jin stuttered.I looked up to the guy and his eyes were teary.

"Jin...How are you doing these few years?"why do they seem to know each other?I am lost right now.I stood up and dust off my pants.

"Do you guys know each other?"they both looked me.They both nodded with a smile plastered on their faces.Before i could even asked,they hugged.Tears started streaming down their faces.

After a few seconds,they broke the hug.This Chanyeol guy then started wiping Jin's tears away.I stood there dumbfounded.They stared at each other which felt like hours.

I cleared my throat and they finally break the staring competition.They looked at me.I shook my head and finally talk.

"SO,who is Chanyeol to you,oppa?" i looked at Jin and he smiled widely.He glanced at Chanyeol and looked at me.

"He was my best friend i had.He always came to our house back then.But he had to move to America to continue his studies." i nodded and the Chanyeol guy suddenly hugged me.I was confused.

"I miss you princess." wait,that nickname! Only one person called my princess when i was younger.I finally remembered! I hugged him back tightly.Chanyeol chuckled.

"CHANNIE!I MISS YOU!" he nodded.I pulled away slightly and hit him on the chest.Tears started flowing down my cheeks.I hit him multiple times.

"WHERE WERE YOU?I THOUGHT YOU LEFT BECAUSE YOU HATED ME!" he held both my hands and kissed my knuckles.

"Why would i ever hate my beautiful princess ~ Channie is sorry he didn't tell you he left for his studies." i chuckled silently and Chanyeol wiped away my tears.He then kissed my forehead.

I looked my Jin and saw someone far behind him.The person stomped his foot and walked away.

What and who was that?


Taehyung's pov

Y/N left my house.I suddenly felt like following her.I grabbed my things and followed her.Seulgi was shouting my name but i didn't turn around.Y/N is alone and she might be in danger.

I saw her walked in a convenience store near my house and sighed in relief.I sat at a bench far away from the store and waited for her.

Finally,she came out and she was with someone.I squinted my eyes to see clearly.It was her brother.For a second,i was angry.I chuckled and watched them.

They were talking and suddenly i heard Y/N shouting.Something about liking someone or whatever.

It was already night time and they finally stood up.I stood up and Y/N bumped into someone.I giggled at her clumsiness.She stood up and she stared at her brother.They talked and that guy HUGGED Y/N!

My blood suddenly started boiling.Why was i angry?I am nobody to her.The guy then kissed Y/N's knuckles and i just got angrier.I then stomped my foot and walked away,angry.

Back to Y/N's pov

We then walked home together and Chanyeol MOVED IN AS OUR NEIGHBOUR!I was happy,wait more than happy.He has a little brother who i can play with.What..i love children alright.

We bid each other goodbye and we walked in our houses.I smiled and suddenly my phone dinged, indicating a message.I took it out fron my bag and unlocked my phone.


Goodnight beautiful~

Who is this?It is not Seulgi because i saved her number.You know what,i don't care.I ignored it and walked to my room.I took a quick shower and changed into an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

The next day~

I woke up with my stupid alarm blasting my favourite song.I sighed and got up.It was only 7 in the morning."Early"i thought.I walked to the bathroom slowly and took a quick shower.I then changed into a simple outfit.

I sprayed some perfume on me and tied my hair into a ponytail

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I sprayed some perfume on me and tied my hair into a ponytail.I grabbed my bag and phone.I then slowly but surely walked down to the kitchen.The smell of food instantly hit me.I smiled and ran to the kitchen.Two figure stood in the kitchen.Both tall and broad shoulders.

Who is it?~


A/N : Sorry i took too long ;( School is being a jerk to me but this is it :) I've updated !! Vote and comment ~ Saranghae Chingus ❤️

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