Part 2

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[ Edited ]

I woke up with a slight pain in my head. I looked around and i was in someone's bed. I stood up and walked around and saw a picture on the nightstand.

I walked towards it and held it in my hands. It was a picture of a small boy and a girl. Looking at the picture closely,the door suddenly opened. At the door, stood a tall figure named Kim Taehyung.

"Why are you holding that picture?" he frowned.

I slowly put the picture down and answered.

"I was looking around and decided to look at it."I shrugged. He nodded and walked towards me.

Taehyung then put his hand on your forehead.

"You still have a slight fever.Go lay down,i'll bring you medicines." Before i could answer, he already walked off.

I sighed and sat down on the bed. I searched through my bag that was beside the bed,for my phone. I finally found it. I unlocked it and received 10 missed calls from my brother.

I also just realised that it was night time. I quickly called Seokjin oppa. He picked up after a few rings.

"WHERE ARE YOU BABY SISTER?!" he shouted into the phone.

I pulled the phone away for a few seconds.

"I am at Taehyung's house.Don't even ask me how,i don't even know how."he sighed in relieved and said

"It's good to know you are in safe hands.Meet at school alright? Just borrow some clothes from Taehyung's sister.Stay safe."

With that he hung up on me. I locked my phone and put it in my bag. I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It was painted space theme and there were some aliens painted. I smiled at how childish and cute it looked.

I closed my eyes, thinking Taehyung would take a long time. I was still awake and listened to the door opened. I did not bother to open my eyes. I heard a chair being dragged beside the bed. Someone caressed my hair and said.

"I miss you Y/N,i miss the time we used to spend together when we were little.I miss laying in your lap when you used to take care of me if i was sick.I miss you,bestfriend..." a deep voice said it, Taehyung. He sighed deeply. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

His eyes widen and moved back. He stood up and i quickly grabbed onto his wrist. I sat up and pull his wrist so he would be sitting infront of me.

He sat down and looked to the ground. Avoiding eye contact with me. I grabbed his chin and faced it towards me.

"Tell me what happened to me. Why did i forget you? Tell me." he then nodded and i released my grip on his chin.

"You got into an accident when you are 10 years old. You had amnesia and you forgot some of your memories. And that memories were the ones we made together." i nodded.

"But that is the past and you should go to sleep now. Tomorrow we have school." with that,he walked out of the room. He switched off all the lights before going out and i lay back down.

"Whatever, i bet he only misses the old me. I'm a new Y/N now, no more a kind girl." i sighed and closed my eyes. Thinking about the new me,i dozed off.

The next day, Taehyung woke me up. He then threw some clothes to me and told me to take a shower. I did and changed into the clothes he gave me.

 I did and changed into the clothes he gave me

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The spectacle complemented the whole outfit. I smiled and grabbed my bag. I walked to the living room and see a familiar backview of someone. "No way..."i thought.

"Kim Seulgi?"

"KIM Y/N?!"

She stood up and ran towards me. She hugged me and i hugged her back.

"I MISS YOU!" we both said in unison.


Sorry i took too long.I was busy with school and family...But here is an update.Sorry if it is lame,i was rushing 😛 But comment and vote <3

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