Part 12

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I smiled as i drove off to sleep.


Two weeks later

Author's pov

The past two weeks was a bless for BTS and Y/N. The couple created more troubles. BTS and Hyuna got closer. All of them will always hang out at Y/N and Jin's house. They would play games, watch movies and even have a sleepovers.

It was after school, BTS has practice but Taehyung insists on sending Y/N home first. Y/N was home safe so Taehyung walked to their studio.

On the way there, Taehyung was texting with Y/N. He was so focused on his phone that he didn't see a car coming. He heard a horn and turned. But it was too late ...

The car came in contact with Taehyung's body. Taehyung collapsed with blood all over. There were a lot of blood coming from his head. Bystanders gasped. One of them quickly called the ambulance.

People started crowding around Taehyung's lifeless body. Soon enough, the ambulance came. Paramedics started rushing to take Taehyung's body to the van.

Y/N became worried. Taehyung was not replying her messages. BTS got more worried. Taehyung was supposed to arrive five minutes ago.

BTS's pov

Jin started panicking. The leader called Taehyung's phone. The rest sat down in a circle, wondering where might their alien be. Jin started calling Y/N.

Jin didn't get an answer. All he heard was Y/N crying on the other line. He sighed.

"Calm down baby sister ... I'm sure he's fine. Go rest." all he heard was breathing.

Jin ended the call when he heard BTS shouting. He turned around. Namjoon was talking to someone on the phone. Jin walked closer to Namjoon.

Namjoon had a worried and scared expression. Almost to tears. The phone call ended.

"T-taehyung h-had an a-accident." everyone gasped.

"Let's go to the hospital." all of us nodded and we ran to the car.

At the hospital

BTS ran to Taehyung's room. He was already awake. He was sitting on his bed, looking around. BTS sighed in relief, thinking there was no problem with him.

They walked closer to Taehyung. Taehyung looked at them and tilt his head.

"Who are you guys?"


Hellüü :) A really short update. Sorry hehe :) Hope you liked it !! Vote and comment :) Take care of yourself and i love you all <3 Saranghae chingus <3

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