Part 17

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"Hello Y/N~"


The person smirk. Y/N now had tears swimming in her eyes.

"Miss me?" Y/N shook her head.

"I hate you,Lay" he smiled.

"I love you too jagi~" tears fell down Y/N's cheeks.

Soon, a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist. The strong and muscular arms. Y/N sighed. She looked up. She was always right.

Kim Taehyung was hugging her so tightly with his jaw clenched. He glared at Lay while Lay did the same.

"Stay away from Y/N or you'll regret it." Lay smiled sadly.

"I just came to gave her this." Lay took out an envelope from his pocket.

He handed it to Y/N while Y/N grabbed it with shaky hands. He smiled.

"C-can i hug her for the l-last time?" Taehyung looked at Y/N.

Y/N nodded and Taehyung let go of his arms. Lay walked forward. He wrapped his long arms around Y/N's body. His warmth made Y/N stopped crying. Y/N missed this.

"I miss you." they both said.

After a while, Lay pulled away and smiled. He averted his gaze to Taehyung. He patted Taehyung's shoulder.

"Take care of her, she's precious. Any guy would be lucky to have her but i didn't treasure her. Make sure to treasure her as if she's gold. Love her right." Taehyung nodded with a smile.

Lay kissed Y/N's forehead.

"Take care baby. I'll miss you." Y/N smiled.

She nodded and spoke.

"You take care too alright? I'll miss you too." Lay waved his hands goodbye.

Both Y/N and Taehyung returned it. Lay soon began walking away. Y/N closed the door and smiled.

Y/N then shifted her eyes to the envelope in her hand. Her smile faded. She was scared.

She opened it slowly. She pulled out a card. She opened it. Y/N smiled widely. She was proud of it.

She showed Taehyung. Taehyung gave out a sigh of relief. He was scared that Lay would want to steal Y/N away. He hugged Y/N as Y/N let out a few tears of joy.

Dear Y/N and family,

This is an invitation to our wedding. The wedding will be held at xxxxxx, xx pm and on xx September. It will be great if you can come to the wedding. Thank you.

From Lay and His fiance.


Waddup!! This update sucks i know :( I've tried my best. Hope you like it tho :) Have a nice day and love you guys <3

Vote and comment !! <3

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