The End

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From Lay and his fiance.


The big day arrived. Lay and his fiance getting married. Y/N was getting ready with her simple dress.

Y/N put a light make up on and curl her hair

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Y/N put a light make up on and curl her hair. She smiled. She was happy for Lay. Y/N wondered when Taehyung will do it to her.

She giggled and went out of her room. She looked around. Everyone was staring at her with mouth agape.

Taehyung's pov

She is beautiful. Wait, beyond beautiful, gorgeous. *Whispers* I have a surprise for her later. Don't tell her ok ;)

"Let's go." she said, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yea. Let's go guys." Jin Hyung said.

We al nodded and got up. I walked to Y/N and held her hands. I leaned closer to her ear.

"You look gorgeous jagi." i peck her cheeks and began walking.

I looked towards her and her cheeks were red. I giggled. We all walked towards the limo that Lay rent for us. It was big enough to fit 10 people.

We all went in and the driver started driving. In the limo, we started making jokes and laughing. Few minutes have past and we were still noisy. It then went silent when the driver told us that we already reached.


The Wedding Ceremony.

Lay's fiance walked down the aisle with a smile on her face. Lay of course was admiring his soon-to-be-wife. The priest started talking.


"I do."

"I do."

Y/N was smiling while holding Taehyung's large hands. She was proud of Lay and envious. She wanted to do the same with Taehyung. Y/N just smiled when Lay looked around and stared at her.

The wedding ceremony was finally over. Lay walked over to Y/N. He immediately hugged her.

"I'm sorry for everything Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you but it just wasn't working out between us. I still love you... Take care of yourself and stay beautiful ok?" Lay pecked her cheeks.

Y/N smiled.

"It's okay. I understand. Hope your marriage last long. Take care of her alright? Love her with your whole heart. I love you too Lay."

Both of them pulled away from the hug. They both smiled and parted ways. Y/N walked over to Taehyung. He was holding a small box in his hands.

Y/N put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. He jumped and quickly hide the box. Taehyung smiled at Y/N.

"What was that?" Y/N pointed.

"Nothing special baby." Taehyung smiled.

Y/N nodded and music was heard playing.

"Care to dance?" Taehyung let out his hand.

Y/N nodded and grabbed onto Taehyung's hand. They went to the dance floor and started dancing to the slow music.


While dancing, BTS's music came on, "I need you." Taehyung and BTS started singing. Y/N stood aside, staring at Taehyung. She was smiling.

The music ends as Butterfly came on. BTS continued singing. Taehyung walked closer to Y/N.

"GOODLUCK BRO!!" BTS shouted into the mic.

Y/N didn't know what was going to happen. She stood there still while Taehyung got on one knee. Taehyung took out the same box which Y/N saw before.

He opened the box and Y/N gasped.

"Y/N. These past few months has been a beautiful months with you. Thank you for everything. You're beautiful, smart and talented. Ok i'm gonna keep this short. Y/N, make me the happiest guy on earth and be mine forever? Spent the next many years with me. Living together and having kids running around the house. I love you so much. Will you marry me?"



That marks the end of "Bad boy." This has been a wonderful journey writing this book. Thank you for reading this book :') It's so crappy yet you guys read it. Thank you for supporting me. Your votes and the number of reads, motivated me to write more <3 I love you guys :') Should i make a "Bad boy" book 2? HEHEH comment and VOTE <3 Read my other book. "Never give up" THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE !!

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