Part 11

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"I like you Kim Y/N."


Author's pov

Y/N blushed. She looked down to her feet. She didn't expect Taehyung to come out like that. She looked up to Taehyung. He was smiling his regular box smile while staring at me.

"Be my girlfriend and be bad together, as a couple?" Taehyung asked, his eyes filling up with hope.

Y/N nodded. She smiled widely. Taehyung gasped and hugged Y/N tightly. He started to spin Y/N around. Y/N just laughed and kiss Taehyung's cheeks.

Taehyung stopped spinning around. He let go of Y/N and touched his cheeks.

"Did you just..." Y/N giggled. She nodded and ran towards the door.

Before she could escape, the door was slammed and she was pinned against the wall. Taehyung was standing infront of her, smirking. He then leaned closer to Y/N. Both eyes closed, their lips met.

"His/Her lips are soft." both of them said in their head.

They both smiled into the kiss. Their lips moves in sync. After a few seconds, Taehyung finally pulled away. Y/N blushed.

"Let's go home jagi.." Y/N nodded as Taehyung let out his hand.

Y/N grabbed his hand and opened the door. They both then walked down. Taehyung swings their interwined hands while smiling so brightly. Walking through the hallways, they were still some people left.

They stared at the new couple, mouth agape. The school's two baddest people, being a couple. Total shocker.

But they smiled at how Taehyung seems so happy being with Y/N. BTS's fangirls accept that. Boys envy Taehyung for having a beautiful girlfriend like Y/N.

Jin's pov

I was waiting for Y/N in the parking lot. Taehyung already told me that he was going to confess. I hope Y/N accepts. They would be such a cute couple.

I giggled and from afar, i see Y/N holding hands with Taehyung. I smiled widely at them. Taehyung was being all bubbly and Y/N was blushing.

They walked closer to me. Well technically, Y/N's car. They arrived and looked at me. Taehyung smiled. He showed me their interwined hands.

He giggled and pecked Y/N's cheeks. Y/N smiled. She pecked Taehyung's lips. I smiled at them.

"Let's go home now. Taehyung, you can come to our place." he nodded happily.

Taehyung and Y/N got into Y/N's car. I then got into my own car and drove off.

Author's pov

In Y/N's car.

Taehyung was driving with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand interwined with Y/N. Both of them jammed to their favourite songs. They laughed and smiled together. Even though it was a short moment, both of them enjoyed their time.

They arrived at Y/N's house. Taehyung went out and ran to Y/N's side. He opened the door for her. Y/N smiled. They both then walked into their house, smiling widely.

After a few hours

Jin, Y/N and Taehyung was spending time together. Playing games, watching movies and baking. The house was filled with laughters.

After awhile, it was already night time. Taehyung then said his goodbyes to the sibling. He kissed Y/N on the forehead and lips. They both hugged for a few seconds and Taehyung went out smiling.

Y/N's pov

Today was fun. I've officially became Taehyung's girlfriend. We spent time together. We laughed and smiled together. I wish we would stay like that.

I smiled as i drove off to sleep.


Hellüü :) Short update !! Hope you love it <3 Vote and comment !! Take care and i love you all *muah muah*

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