Part 13

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"Who are you guys?"


Taehyung's pov

The door opened. It revealed six boys. They look familiar but i don't recognise them. And why did i wake up in the hospital bed? Did something happen to me? Was i involved in an accident? I don't remember anything.

Well i remember my family. That's all. I sighed. They walked closer to me.

"Who are you guys?" they gasped.

Tears suddenly started streaming on the pink shirt guy. He then collapsed to his knees.

"My sister..." he mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.

"Who is his sister?" i thought.

"You don't remember us at all?" a guy with dimples said.

I shook my head. He sighed.

Jin's pov

"My sister...Y/N... What will she do when she hears this news..." the boys talked to him while i kept thinking of Y/N.

"I wish she doesn't hear the news." i mumbled.

Too late. The door opened, revealing Y/N. She was already crying. Hyuna was standing behind her. I got up. She immediately ran to me.

Y/N's pov

Hyuna called me. Saying Taehyung was in the hospital. She got the news from Jungkook. Jungkook told her and she told me. I immediately broke down.

Hyuna picked me up and we went straight to the hospital. During the car ride, Hyuna was trying to calm me down but i was shaking. Shaking from fear and guilt.

I just know it was my fault. Because in the middle of texting, Taehyung suddenly stopped. It's my fault.

"It's my fault.." my head kept repeating that.

My heart started beating so much. All i can think of is Taehyung. And how it is all my fault. Tears kept rolling down my cheeks. My clothes became wet because of my tears.

My head faced down. My hands on my lap. Hyuna kept trying but i couldn't stop. It falls everytime i think of Taehyung.

We finally arrive. I walked to the counter and asked for Taehyung's room. I ran to his room and slammed the door open. BTS was already there, talking to Taehyung. Jin was on his knees.

He got up and i ran to him. I hugged him tightly.

"Oppa, it's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fau-" i was cut by Jin.

"It's not baby sister, it's not. Please don't think that." i stayed silent.

Jin rubbed my back slowly. His shirt became wet. He kissed my head but i stood silent.

"Baby... Please..." i kept quiet.

Taehyung's pov

Two girls was standing by the door. One of them with beautiful eyes ran to Jin. Namjoon told me their names and i remember some memories. I remembered how we met, how we always sit together during lunch. That i am in a band.

But i can't seem to know the two girls. Both of them look familiar tho. I squint my eyes at the girls but nothing seem to come in my mind.

"That is Y/N and that is Hyuna." he pointed.

I smiled and nodded.

"Umm.. Y/N is um." Namjoon stuttered.

"What about Y/N?"

"She is um.. someone very special to you." confusion appeared on my face.

"Special?" the 5 of them nodded.

"Yea. She's your girlfriend." smiling, i nodded.

"The beautiful girl is mine?" i giggled. They nodded once again.

"Y/N~" Hoseok called out.

She looked up from the hug. She looked at me and smiled. That smile...

Everything became blurry. Suddenly, my surroundings became black.

Y/N's pov

Taehyung fainted. I ran to his bed side. I held his hands tightly.

"Wake up... Jagi-ah..." i kissed his knuckles.

His hand suddenly squeezed my hand. I gasped. I looked at him and he was smiling. He giggled.

"Jagi-ah.. I miss you~"


Did i take long? Sorryy ~ But here it is :) I updated on BTS 4th anniversary !! I'm proud of them :') Read my author's note pleasee hehe ;) Take care guys and i love you all <3

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