Part 3

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[ Edited ]

I released myself from the hug. She smiled widely at me and i gave a smile back. I looked around, forgetting that Kim Taehyung was still there. I made eye contact with him and looked away.

Let me tell you more about Kim Seulgi. She was my bestfriend when we were in elementary school. Seulgi was one of the "popular" girls i guess while i was the total opposite. I was still a cheery and smiley girl but i wore fake nerd glasses. Seulgi had a lot of friends but most of them just wanted her popularity. After elementary, she went to a different school than mine and we lost contact of each other.

Seulgi was still the same after all these years. She still has the long red hair up in a ponytail and big eyes. Now i can really see that Seulgi looks almost like Taehyung.

"How are you Y/N?" she smiled at me. She then looked at his brother and her brother just had a confused expression on his face.

"What? Confused much? She is my bestfriend bro, the one i always talk about when i was in elementary school." Taehyung's eyes then widen and nodded.

Seulgi turned to me."Oh,i'm fine..." She looked at me curiously and hesistantly nodded. I turned to Taehyung.

"Umm, thank you for taking care of me. I'll be going now." i said softly.

"Before you go, can i have your number?So we keep in contact." i nodded to Seulgi and she gave me her phone. I pressed in my number and gave her back her phone.

"THANK YOU!! I'll message you later." i just nodded. I looked at Taehyung and gave him a walk-me-out look. He then nodded. He stood up and walked me to the front door. He then opened the door.

"Take care i guess." Taehyung said, almost whispering.

"Whatever.." i walked away. I saw a convenience store near the house and decided to go there for awhile. I checked the time on my phone and it was 8.30am.School started thirty minutes ago.

I checked my notifications and there was a tons of message coming from Hyuna. I chuckled at her texts and closed my phone. I checked my wallet and i had $40. Don't ask me how i get a lot of money.

I looked up and saw that i was infront of the store. Laughing at my stupidness, i walked in. The store was quite large in the inside. And there was not a lot of people there. Oh yeah,there is school today.

I quickly walked to the food section. My eyes lit up at the foods displayed. I quickly grabbed (your favourite snack) and (your favourite drink). I then walked to the cashier and to my surprise, Jin was there, paying for his stuffs.

"Hey Jin oppa. What are you doing here?" he looked at me. I am not gonna get in trouble,he knows i hate school.

"Ah,Y/N,i was just stopping by." he replied. Then where was he from? Our house is quite far from here. I then payed for my food and we both walked out. We sat at a bench nearby and i ate my food.

"Where were you from?" i asked curiously with my mouth full of food.

"From Namjoon's house." Ah that guy. I noticed that Jin and that Namjoon guy are super close. I always see them walking together in the hallway at school.

"Do you like him or something?" i then wiggled my eyebrows. Jin then started avoiding eye contact. He was silent for a few seconds and i instantly knew.

"YOU DO LIKE HIM!" i shouted.To my surpise,no one looked at us. I chuckled and looked at Jin. A pink colour blush appeared on both of his cheek. I then squeeze his cheek and he pushed my hands away. (A/N ; sorry i ship Namjin and deal with it hehe)

"Ok fine,i do... Just don't tell anyone ok?" he pulled out his pinky finger. I chuckled and interlocked my pinky with his. I then nodded.

"Promise." we both let go of our pinky and chuckled. We talked and talked and didn't the time passing by. I finally looked up and it was already night time.

"Let's go home." Jin said, looking at his phone. I nodded and we both stood up. We walked back home, playing our phones. Focusing too much on my phone, i bumped into someone.I fell butt first and groan.

"Oh,sorry,i wasn't looking straight." a deep voice said it and i looked up. He seems familiar and i looked at Jin. He froze.


I tried my best :) Sorry if i take too long to update , i'll try my best to upload as fast as i can ~ But still , vote and comment !! <3

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