Part 5

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^Visual gods 😻

The figures turned around,laughing. It was Jin oppa and someone i couldn't really see. I walked closer to hug Jin and finally realised that the person was TAEHYUNG. I was confused. Why was he here?

They finally noticed my presence and smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged Jin. I released myself from the hug. Taehyung was just staring at me with open arms. He wants me to hug him?

"Come here little girl." He said it with his deep voice. I shook my head. His expression changed, from smiling to a sad expression. He then covered it with a smile.

"I was just kidding..." he sighed and turned his body to the stove. Jin was just staring at me and i gave him a 'what-do-you-want' look. He shook his head.

I took out my phone and checked my notifications. There was a tons of messages that i didn't even realise. Most of them were from Hyuna. I then checked the messages.

Hyuna : Good morning ~
Hyuna : Hey reply my messages :(
Hyuna : Hyuna is now sad
Hyuna : YAH KIM Y/N !
Hyuna : Argh ! You will get it when i see you.

And many more. I chuckled at the messages. She loves spamming me with messages and that is why i love her.

"What are you laughing about?" i looked up. Both Jin and Taehyung were staring at me. Taehyung is staring at me with a smile plastered on his face. Why is he smiling?

"Nothing important..." Jin nodded. He then set a plate of kimchi fried rice. I smiled and thanked both of them for the food. I then gobbled down the food like a hungry wolf. I heard laughters and looked up.

Both of them were laughing while pointing at me. I swallowed the food and pouted. They stopped laughing after seeing me pout.

"Kyeopta~" Taehyung blurted out. Jin and i looked at him. He instantly covered his mouth and blushed in embarrassment. Jin chuckled while i just stared at Taehyung in confusion. Did he just compliment me?

I shook that thought off and continued eating. I was done. I stood up and walked to the sink. I then washed my plate. I grabbed my bag and shouted goodbye to the both of them.

Time skip.

I walked in the front door and all eyes were on me. Boys were staring at my legs. Girls were giving me a disgusted look. I then heard whispers going around me.

"Damn,she has gorgeous legs."
"Urgh,she dresses like a slut."
"She is beautiful."

I turned to the group of girls that said i dress like a slut. They were laughing. Their face were covered with make up. Short dresses and high heels. I gave them my infamous death glare at them and they stopped laughing.

"Really? A slut? Look at how you girls are dressed. Short dresses, high heels and face covered with thick make up. And you girls have the guts to say i dress like a slut. Funny." i laughed at them. The hallway was then full of laughters. They looked down and walked away quietly.

"KIM Y/N!" i heard a familiar girl voice. I turned and Hyuna was running to me with full speed. I stood aside and she hit a group of boys. I chuckled and walked away.

"YAH Y/N!" i stopped walking and turned around. Hyuna was playfully glaring at me. I smiled innocently and looked at her.

"W-why didn't y-you r-reply m-my messages." she said while panting. I shrugged. I pat her back and she glared at me. I smiled.

"Let's go to class." she just nodded and we walked together to class. We talked a lot and laughed loudly. People were staring while we were walking. I gave them my glare and they looked away, minding their own business.

We walked in and the teacher was already there. Oh yeah, our class starts earlier than the rest. The teacher then glared at us. We smiled and walked to our seats. There was someone unfamiliar seating infront of me.

The person turned around and i instantly knew who it was. The person stood up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back tightly.

"I miss you." both of us said in unison.


Haii !! Sorry if i took long. Vote and comment :) Saranghae chingus! ❤️

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