2. On Mondays We Wear Pink

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I am kind of bumped that I don't get a Janis' style introduction to the canteen and even more disappointed that none of the kids really seem to fall into those perfect little categories. There is no jock table, no stoners or smart asians area. There's just kids.

I shrug and notice Harley's blonde little head standing in line. Me and Amory usually pack our own lunches, so instead of joining her in line I scan the canteen for any sign of him. I don't have to wait long, sporting a big smile Amory heads straight for me and hugs me tight. "My sweet little Baudelaire," he says, "how were your classes?" I smile and pinch at his long sleeved grey shirt. "Peachy," I smirk, "how was math?"

"Thrilling," Amory grins.

I scan the canteen for Harley again and see her walking away from the line, presumably towards her regular spot. "Come," I say, taking Amory's hand and making my way through the canteen, "I want you to meet someone."

Harley greets me with a big smile. "Fay!" She gestures the the young boy sitting opposite her to make room so Amory and I can sit down. "Everyone, this is Fay," Harley smiles, "and...?

"Amory," I say, "my brother."

"Nice to meet you," Harley says while checking my brother out. I raise an eyebrow at her and she answers it with a small shrug. As if she wanted to say, hey, he's hot, take it as a compliment. I cock my head to the side and give her a small smile. I am definitely not above taking her thinking my brother is hot as a compliment. We're twins after all.

"Fay, Amory," she continues, "please meet my dear friends, Richard and Annabelle." The boy coughs in protest. "Richie," he corrects her, offering me his hand. His long brown hair is messy and his grey eyes shine with mischief. I take his hand and smile. He's cute, but the girl, Annabelle, she's of a whole other level. I notice Amory staring at her too, and honestly I can't blame him. She probably doesn't even realize how beautiful she is, which makes her even more gorgeous in my eyes. Annabelle is tall and slender, dark skinned and wears her black hair in a tight bun. Her thin eyes fall deep and her cheekbones are clearly visible. "Ann," she says softly, probably aware of our stares. Amory smirks. "Nice to meet you."

I take Amory's and my lunches from the cute leather backpack and hand him his sandwich. "So," Harley says, dipping the chicken fingers she got from the canteen in some ketchup, "Fay here is our new national hero." She grins and starts to tell her friends how I basically kicked Cammie in her nuts. Richie and Ann ooh and aah and seem generally amused at the story. I guess I was right about Cammie not being the most lovable person in this school. "That is so awesome!" Richie says, practically jumping up and down on his seat. I chuckle, but feel Amory's eyes piercing me. I sigh. Yup, he's so proud of me. "Fay," he says, his voice even lower and huskier than usual, "you promised to be good."

"I was!" I defend and Harley nods furiously, but Amory isn't having it. He shakes his hand and focuses on his turkey sandwich. I shrug and turn to Harley and her friends. "So," I say, trying to change the subject, "please tell me all about this school."

Harley and Richie take turns ditching the dirt on Ridgeview High's Most Popular. Obviously Cammie ranks on top, and her second in command appears to be called Keira. They are surrounded by girls trying to become them, but for as long as Harley could remember it had always been Cammie and Keira. I spot the girls sitting somewhere in the middle of the canteen. Literally at the center of attention. Of course. That trope never gets old. Richie shares that most of the football team also usually hang around them, and I spot the lettermen jackets easily. The same ones as the guy from the Holy Trinity wore. Most of the football team is pretty chill, Richie tells me, but Cammie's boyfriend Parker is as much a douchebag as she is a bitch. "The perfect match," I muse, and Harley nods. "Really," she says, "they pretend to rule this school as Mr. and Mrs. Teen Movie Cliché, but honestly half of the school doesn't even care."

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