33. The Return of the King

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"He asked me if I could train him," Amory shrugs and I cock an eyebrow. I softly blow the steam of the hot coffee and let the cup warm my hands. We're taking our Saturday breakfast on the porch, Amory and me, covered in blankets and our heads still mauled from sleep. I chuckle and stare at my brother.

"Kane actually asked you to train him?"

Amory smiles and shakes his head. "I said yes," he says, "if he's hell bent on taking on those thugs than he better know how to fight."

"Did he spill anything? About why he got into that fight?"

Amory shakes his head and I sigh. "I was kinda hoping Max would've told you," he says.

"I didn't ask," I say. Just like I didn't ask last time, but I don't tell Amory that.

"Can you pass me the croissants?" I ask instead, and Amory hands me the baked goodness.

"So you're going out to party again tonight?" He asks, and I can practically taste the contempt in his voice. I ignore it and nod enthusiastically. "Max, Harley, Richie and I are going to Wells'."

"Have I met that guy?"

"Nah," I shake my head, "I met him at the club last Sunday."

"Oh yeah," Amory says, "when you got home at seven in the evening, totally shitfaced."

I draw my eyebrows together and stare at my brother. "Nice talking to you too," I mock, gnawing away at the croissant and sipping my coffee.

"I'm sorry," he says, "had a bad night."

'Ann?" I ask and he nods. "I figured," I sigh, "she didn't seem to pleased with you getting into yet another fight."

Amory shrugs and pulls up his blanket. "Yeah," he says softly, "it's weird with her."

"Is it?"

"Not because of the fighting – well, yes, a little. But, I don't know," he leans his head back and gazes at the clouds, "when I see you and Max it just makes sense, you know?"

I look at his face and smile lightly.

"You are crazy about each other," he continues, "it's clear from every little movement. But Ann and I... I don't think she trusts me, and maybe she's still scared of me, I don't know. All the time I spend with her I am so cautious not to say the wrong thing or make the wrong move, I don't feel like I can be myself. And I don't think she's entirely herself either."

"But you like her, right?"

"Yeah," he smiles, "yeah, I do."

"Then take the chance. Be yourself. Unapologetically and one hundred percent. And if it's still weird... Well, then you know."

Amory sighs and glances at me. "I know," he says, "It's just..."

"Scary," I smile, "all the good things are."


Harley rings the doorbell around eight that night and we retreat to my room to do our makeup. She's wearing a strapless chiffon dress, peach colored and stopping just above the knee. It looks good on her, really good. She paired it with a white blazer and the necklace I gave her, her hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. "You look fantastic," I smile and Harley spins for me. She chuckles and I hand her a glass of wine. "To a fun evening," I say and Harley clinks her glass against mine. "Cheers to that!"

She sits down in front of my vanity table and looks through the drawers in search of new makeup to try. I walk over to my closet and take two garment backs out. Tonight's party was semi-casual, which, as Wells told us, meant as much as a cocktail chic dress code. I zip open the garment backs and turn around to get Harley's opinion, but she's busy staring at a small wooden box. "You didn't give it to Max?" She asks and I shrug. "Why not?"

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