34. Dive

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I can't breath and stare at Wells in disbelief. It's as if he kicked me in the guts, my heart racing and my mind unable to process what just happened. "Don't worry," he says, and I consider for a second to punch that sly smirk off his face.

"I'm not interested in blackmailing you," he says softly, "although I did find out who you really are."

I blink a few times and try to regain my composure. "Y-you had someone look into me?" I ask, and he nods slowly. "Great," I whisper, "so you you've got a P.I. on speed dial. What do you want?"

"A small favor, although I'd like to think of it more as a partnership."

I cock my head to the side and relax my shoulders a bit. What was that short, sly guy up to?! I nod slightly and he raises his chin. "I want to take advantage of a certain family connection of yours," he says, his eyes peeled on mine. I lean forward and see the sparkle in his eyes. He's enjoying this, the bastard. If we wanted anyone to find out who we were, Amory and I wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to hide it! Just how much could he now?

"See," Wells continues, "the Winstons have been trying to get your uncle to come to these Sunday brunches for months now, but he has kindly declined their offer every time. But I think hearing from his beloved niece might just do the trick."

I smirk and raise my head. "So Cammie wants to get into Columbia," I muse, "interesting."

If Wells found out that my dear uncle was the Dean of Admissions of Columbia University, then he would know our real last name. He would know our father's name. He would've found the newspaper articles and the gossip magazines. Anthony Wells knows everything.

"Why?" I ask, my voice hoarse. Wells shrugs and clenches his jaw for a second.

"I know it's a lot to ask," he says, "but trust me, I won't tell anyone what I know. I understand." He stares into my eyes and I nod. Somehow I believe him.

"Cammie, Max, Keira, Kane, me and the boys all went to the same Middle School," he tells, "we practically grew up together. Cammie and I were best friends. It used to be us against the world."

He pauses for a second and I let out a small sigh. "And then she got popular," I add, and Wells nods. "She decided that she needed good-looking friends," he sniffs, "and that bullying me would cement her as queen bee."

I shake my head slowly and sigh. "You loved her."

He nods. "I did," he whispers, "and then she broke my heart. I swore to get revenge one day and I think that you can help me."

He smiles at me and I smile back at him. "So what do you need my uncle for?"

He leans back and crosses his arms. "I just need him to show up and Cammie to think that he came there for her."

"And when she finds out that he's actually there for me..." I say softly.

"Her confidence will be shattered," Wells smirks, "just like she shattered me."

I sigh and nod my head. "Okay," I say, "I'm in. I'll call my uncle. But on one condition."


I grin and nudge his shoulders slightly. "Tell me what Max and Kane were like," I chuckle, "when they were young."

Wells jumps off the bench and offers me his arm. I take it and straighten my dress.

"They were great," he says, slowly guiding me back across the garden, "Max was always the troublemaker. He was a rebel, always taunting teachers, fighting other kids, and breaking stuff in school."

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