Chapter 9

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Harry's house was quite massive. Like Niall's, it had a bit of a castle theme. But yet, it was most like a beach house. It had a ton of windows and you could see the crowds of people dancing. You could also hear the music from a block away.

When we got inside, we were greeted by Louis and Harry.

"Hi!" they practically said in unison.

They led us inside and down a hallway. We entered a room with the other boys in it. They man who addressed himself as Zayn was a nice dark-haired and dark-eyed man. The man who claimed to be Liam was a tall, and in fact teddy bear-like figure. He wore the clothes a badass would wear but I could see in his eyes that he was very compassionate. We chatted for a bit about how I was Niall's girlfriend and I told the boys how we met in a diner.

After a bit, Louis led us all to the backyard. He claimed to have a big announcement.

When we got to the area next to the pool in the backyard, Louis pulled Harry over to the center of the crowd. The music stopped practically on cue and someone handed Louis a microphone so everyone could hear him. Louis said some things to Harry that were meant for just him. Louis gave Harry a light peck on the cheek. I could tell from where we were standing that Louis had streams of tears going down his face.

Louis did the unexpected and got down on one knee in front of Harry. Louis pulled out a little box and held it up to Harry opening it.

"Harry, you are the one that completes me. I love you more than life itself and I wouldn't be here without you. Please make me the gayest guy around, " he said smirking at Harry. "Please marry me."

Harry put his hands in his face and cried. They were obviously tears of joy. He shook his head yes. Louis dropped the mic and pulled the ring onto Harry's finger. They hugged for a while and the music went back to being loud. People went back to dancing and if they got the chance, they congratulated Louis and Harry. Niall and I decided it was best to talk to them later when there was less of a crowd.

Niall had noticed that the engagement had made me tear up.

"What wrong?" he asked with a pouty lip while wiping the tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

"Nothing. It's just, that was so beautiful. They are so cute together. And I guess the sight of love has always been a bit heart-tugging." I answered smiling.

Niall smiled back at me and led me back inside. He got me some type of drink. I couldn't hear what it was over the music but I drank it anyway. As soon as I tasted, I realized that it was alcoholic. Suddenly I regretted drinking so much at one time. Niall laughed at me. I finished off my drink and I felt quite dizzy.

Niall and I had a few shots together and headed to the dance floor. After a bit of grinding and swaying, Niall was called over to a corner of the room. I was told to stay where I was so I did.

After a few minuets of me dancing alone, I felt some hands on my hips and I assumed it was Niall. I continued dancing. I grinded on him and I realized that the man wasn't Niall when I heard the groan escape the man. I looked up and it was a strange man. He wouldn't let go of me even though I tried to escape. I didn't want to startle anyone so I stayed quiet and hoped Niall would be back soon. I attempted to free myself but it didn't work. I turned around and slapped the man in the face. He barely seemed fazed by it. But he hit me back as a response. Hit me hard enough to knock me to the floor. I felt one foot after another slam into my ribs. Black was filling around my eyes and I couldn't move.

Suddenly everything had slowed down. Niall grabbed the guy and pushed him to the wall. Niall looked extremely scary at the moment. The guy punched Niall in the face. Hard. He wiped he blood from his lip and tackled the guy. Suddenly Louis and Liam were by my side. Trying to help me up. I got a glance of Niall beating the guy. For a moment, it didn't look like Niall anymore. It was my father. Claiming I was his and only his. I started to cry and tried to brush it off. As Louis and Liam led me to the bathroom, I noticed Harry and Zayn heading in the direction of all the madness. I assumed they were going to pull Niall off of the man. But I never found out. We had gotten to the bathroom and the door was locked.

"I am going to go make sure the crowd isn't freaking out." Liam said walking out. It was just me and Louis.

"Congratulations by the way." I said smiling as Louis patched up my face.

"Thank you." he said grinning. "You know how much Niall loves you don't you?"

"Well... I don't know how much he loves me. No one has ever loved me really before." I said shrugging.

Louis continued to fix me up in silence.

"Well, he looks at you like Harry and I look at each other. And I have seen the way you look at him. You love him... Even if you don't know that yet. Niall will do anything for you." he said as he left the room.

I didn't even have a chance to think about what I had been told before Niall walked in. He had several cuts to his face and an already deeply colored black eye. He pulled me into a hug asking if I was okay. I nodded into his chest.

"I am truly sorry Emma. This was all my fault." he said with tears in his eyes.

"Can we go home?" I asked like a child.

He nodded and kissed me on the forehead.

On our way out, we told Harry and Louis congratulations again. Louis gave me a wink and looked at Niall. I gave him a small nod as if to tell him "Yea, I love him". Louis hugged Harry with a giant grin on his face. Niall and Harry didn't know what was going on.

"Uhhh.. alrighty then. Bye guys." Harry said with his low voice.

Niall and I walked out the door towards the car.

"We can have a little party of our own when we get home okay?" Niall said as his eyes never left the road. I nodded a yes and smiled.

"No nasty perverts okay?" I stated more than asked.

"Even me?" he said sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed at him.

"Eyes on the road." I said still laughing. I would have much rather had stayed with the boys but I guess Niall was best to take me from there.

I couldn't get over what Louis had told me about the way Niall looked at me. I glanced in Niall's direction and I guess he was right. I just hadn't noticed.

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