Chapter 25

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Emma's POV

I woke up to the luxurious smell of Niall's cologne. I was still curled up tight next to him. His body heat must have been the thing keeping me warm all night because the blankets were on the floor.

Thoughts of the previous night invaded my mind. So much passion.

I began to feel my insides begin to turn around and it hurt. Badly. I got up and sprinted to the bathroom, throwing up alot. I had vomited what felt like all of my organs.

I'm guessing Niall had heard my distress and ran into the bathroom. Instead of questioning what was happening, he held my hair out if my face and lightly rubbed my back.

I threw up for a good five minutes.

"Okay, we're going home." Niall said as I walked back into our room. He was getting our bags ready.

"I'll go get Louis." I grabbed the extra room key I had for his room and slipped a long t-shirt on.

The hallways were empty. I guess people were out doing things at this time of day.

I slid the key through the lock on the door, a little green light indicated that the door was unlocked.

I stepped inside the room and saw the little note on the bed. He must have stayed the night with Tyler. I considered not reading the note which probably consisted of "Don't wait up;)" or something like that. But, I just had a feeling that it would be best to read it.

Once I read it I knew. Louis was gone. But not only gone, gone to Harry. How was I supposed to tell Niall? I just decided to wing it and headed back to our room.

"Niall, Louis is gone."

"So he did get lucky last night. I'll go get his stuff together for him."

"No Niall, he's dead."

Niall took a step back in shock. He started to lightly shake his head and mouth the word 'no' over and over. Tears were building up in his eyes.

"We have to go look for him!" He shouted at me.


At the bridge, we saw the car that had gone over. There were paramedics and firemen desperately trying to get Louis out of the car, but there was so much damage that it was nearly impossible.

Niall fell to his knees and sobbed in his hands. Two of his best friends were now dead. What was I supposed to tell him? That 'everything will be okay'? It probably won't get better. At least for a very long time.


Niall and I had Harry and Louis cremated. We put the ashes into the same urn because they always talked about staying together forever.

Niall had mourned for a while, but everyone has to move on eventually. Although, he was in a dark place for quite a while.

I had been throwing up every once in a while and it had gotten me thinking something was wrong. So here I am, at the doctor, awaiting my results.

The doctor comes into the room holding a clip board and quite a few pamphlets. He gives me a great big smile and says,

"Emma, you're pregnant."

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